Items (D)

DEX Crystal
A mysterious crystal with the source of dexterity in it.
Dropped by: Rombot
DEX Crystal Ore
An ore of a crystal that possesses dexterity.
Dropped by: Green Trixter, Bubble Fish, Roloduck, Black Ratz, Jr. Boogie, Chronos, Tweeter, Flyeye, Block Golem, Barnard Gray, Poison Poopa, Red Porky, Jar, Jr. Yeti, Hodori, Samiho, Grizzly, Straw Target Dummy, Dark Jr. Yeti, Miner Zombie, Pepe, Morphed Blin, Death Teddy, Yeti and Pepe, Blue King Goblin, Dark Rash, Hobi, Nine-Tailed Fox, Blue Kentaurus, Birk, Rexton, Shark, Red Wyvern, Manon, Griffey, Eye of Time, Qualm Guardian, Oblivion Guardian, Chief Oblivion Guardian, Snowman, Leader A, Ninto, Boomer, Windraider, Berserkie, Booper Scarlion
Taste the sweetness of this dango.
Recovers 200 HP & MP.
Dropped by: Crow, Ashigaru
Dark Cloud Foxtail
Dark Cloud Fox's tail
Dropped by: Big Cloud Fox
Dark Crystal Ore
An ore of a crystal that possesses dark power. An incredible power lay asleep in it.
Dropped by: Drumming Bunny, Dark Nependeath, Wraith, Freezer, Samiho, Luster Pixie, Grizzly, Sr. Bellflower Root, Dark Stone Golem, Dark Jr. Yeti, Malady, Dark Pepe, Lazy Buffy, Master Soul Teddy, Buffoon, Dark Yeti, Transformed Dark Yeti, Separated Dark Yeti, Deep Buffoon, Hankie, King Sage Cat, Dark Yeti and Pepe, Red Kentaurus, Dark Klock, Gigantic Spirit Viking, Squid, Phantom Watch, Green Cornian, Dark Cornian, Thanatos, Skelosaurus, Eliza, Big Cloud Fox, Nightshadow, Elderwraith, Tippo Red, Pac Pinky, Mr. Anchor, Duku, Charmer, Vikerola
Dark Drake's Horn
A horn from Dark Drake's head.
Dropped by: Dark Drake
Dark Jr. Yeti Skin
A skin cut out of Dark Jr. Yeti. Consists of rough, black hair.
Dropped by: Dark Jr. Yeti
Dark Leatty Furball
Dark Leatty's Furball. So soft and small that it looks like it may just float away.
Dropped by: Dark Leatty
Dark Nependeath Seed
A seed cut out of Dark Nependeath. Should be handled with care, because it's poisonous with thorns around it.
Dropped by: Dark Nependeath
Dark Pepe Beak
A beak cut out of Dark Pepe. Solid and black-colored.
Dropped by: Dark Pepe, Dark Yeti and Pepe
Dark Rash's Furball
A ball of hair that fell off from Dark Rash.
Dropped by: Dark Rash
Dark Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF 70%
Improves weapon def. on the bottomwear.
Success rate: 70%, weapon def. +2, magic def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Extra C
Dark Scroll for Bottomwear for HP 30%
Improves HP on the bottomwear.
Success rate: 30%. MaxHP +30
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Baby Typhon
Dark Scroll for Bottomwear for HP 70%
Improves HP on the bottomwear.
Success rate: 70%. MaxHP +15
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Baby Typhon
Dark Scroll for Bow for ATT 30%
Improves attack on bow.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, accuracy +3, DEX +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Bow for ATT 70%
Improves attack on bow.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, accuracy +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Water Goblin
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Cape for DEX 30%
Improves DEX on the cape.
Success rate: 30%, DEX +3
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Black Crow
Dark Scroll for Cape for HP 30%
Improves MaxHP on the cape.
Success rate: 30%, MaxHP +20
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Black Crow
Dark Scroll for Cape for HP 70%
Improves MaxHP on the cape.
Success rate: 70%, MaxHP +10
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Black Crow, Leprechaun
Dark Scroll for Cape for INT 30%
Improves INT on the cape.
Success rate: 30%, INT +3
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Dark Scroll for Cape for LUK 30%
Improves LUK on the cape.
Success rate: 30%, LUK +3
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Leprechaun
Dark Scroll for Cape for MP 30%
Improves MaxMP on the cape.
Success rate: 30%, MaxMP +20
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Extra B
Dark Scroll for Cape for MP 70%
Improves MaxMP on the cape.
Success rate: 70%, MaxMP +10
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Extra D
Dark Scroll for Cape for Magic DEF 70%
Improves magic def. on the cape.
Success rate: 70%, magic def. +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Leader A
Dark Scroll for Cape for STR 30%
Improves STR on the cape.
Success rate: 30%, STR +3
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Leader A
Dark Scroll for Cape for STR 70%
Improves STR on the cape.
Success rate: 70%, STR +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Dreamy Ghost
Dark Scroll for Cape for Weapon DEF 70%
Improves weapon def. on the cape.
Success rate: 70%, weapon def. +3, magic def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Baby Typhon, Typhon
Dark Scroll for Claw for ATT 30%
Improves attack on claw.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, accuracy +3, LUK +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Castellan Toad
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Claw for ATT 70%
Improves attack on claw.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, accuracy +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at the 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Crossbow for ATT 30%
Improves attack on crossbow.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, accuracy +3, DEX +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Dreamy Ghost, Firebrand
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Crossbow for ATT 70%
Improves attack on crossbow.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, accuracy +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Baby Typhon
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Dagger for ATT 30%
Improves attack on dagger.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, LUK +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Dagger for ATT 70%
Improves attack on dagger.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, LUK +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Extra D
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Earring for DEX 70%
Improves DEX on ear accesrroy.
Success rate: 70%. DEX +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Dreamy Ghost
Dark Scroll for Earring for INT 30%
Improves INT on ear accessory.
Success rate: 30%, Magic Attack +5, INT +3, Magic Def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Castellan Toad
Dark Scroll for Eye Accessory for Accuracy 30%
Improves accuracy on eye accessories.
Success rate: 30%, Accuracy +3, DEX +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Jonin, Kacchuu Musha
Dark Scroll for Eye Accessory for Accuracy 70%
Improves accuracy on eye accessories.
Success rate: 70%, Accuracy +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Kunoichi
Dark Scroll for Eye Accessory for INT 30%
Improves INT on eye accessories.
Success rate: 30%, INT +3, Magic Def. +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Castellan Toad
Dark Scroll for Face Accessory for Avoidability 30%
Improves avoidability on face accessories.
Success rate: 30%, Avoidability +2, DEX +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Kacchuu Musha, Axe Visitor
Dark Scroll for Face Accessory for Avoidability 70%
Improves avoidability on face accessories.
Success rate: 70%, Avoidability +1, DEX +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Kunoichi
Dark Scroll for Face Accessory for HP 30%
Improves MaxHP on face accessories.
Success rate: 30%, MaxHP +30
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Genin, Kacchuu Musha
Dark Scroll for Gloves for ATT 30%
Improves weapon att. on the glove.
Success rate: 30%, weapon att. +3
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Gloves for ATT 70%
Improves weapon att. on the glove.
Success rate: 70%, weapon att. +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Extra C, The Boss
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Gloves for DEX 30%
Improves DEX on the glove.
Success rate: 30%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, avoidability +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Extra B
Dark Scroll for Gloves for Magic ATT 30%
Improves magic attack on the glove.
Success Rate 30%, magic attack +3, INT +3, magic defense +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Castellan Toad
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Gloves for Magic ATT 70%
Improves magic attack on the glove.
Success Rate 70%, magic attack +1, INT +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Gun for ATT 30%
Improves attack on Guns.
Success rate: 30%, weapon att. +5, accuracy +3, DEX +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate
Dropped by: Gunner Visitor
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Gun for ATT 70%
Improves attack on Guns.
Success rate: 70%, weapon att. +2, accuracy +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Helmet for DEF 30%
Improves the helmet def.
Success rate: 30%, weapon def. +5, magic def. +3, accuracy +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed in a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Crow, Baby Typhon
Dark Scroll for Helmet for INT 30%
Improves INT on hats.
Success Rate: 30%, INT +3
If failed, the item will be destroyed in a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Dark Scroll for Knuckle for ATT 30%
Improves attack on Knucklers.
Success rate: 30%, weapon att. +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Knuckle for ATT 70%
Improves attack on Knucklers.
Success rate: 70%, weapon att. +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for One-Handed Axe for ATT 30%
Improves attack on one-handed axe.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Cloud Fox
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for One-Handed Axe for ATT 70%
Improves attack on one-handed axe.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Baby Typhon
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for One-Handed BW for ATT 30%
Improves attack on one-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for One-Handed BW for ATT 70%
Improves attack on one-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 30%
Improves attack on one-handed sword.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Spirit Visitor
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 70%
Improves attack on one-handed sword.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for One-Handed Sword for Magic ATT 30%
Improves magic attack on one-handed sword.
Success Rate 30%, magic attack +2, INT +2, magic defense +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for One-Handed Sword for Magic ATT 70%
Improves magic attack on one-handed sword.
Success Rate 70%, magic attack +1, INT +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF 30%
Improves weapon def. on the overall armor.
Success rate: 30%, weapon def. +5, magic def. +3, MaxHP +10
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Extra A
Dark Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF 70%
Improves weapon def. on the overall armor.
Success rate: 70%, weapon def. +2, magic def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Female Boss
Dark Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 30%
Improves dexterity on the overall armor.
Success rate: 30%, DEX +4, accuracy +3, speed +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Dark Scroll for Overall Armor for INT 30%
Improves INT on the overall armor.
Success rate: 30%, INT +5, Magic Defense +3, MaxMP +10
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Castellan Toad
Dark Scroll for Overall Armor for LUK 70%
Improves LUK on the overall armor.
Success rate: 70%, LUK +2, avoidability +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Water Goblin, Extra C
Dark Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT 30%
Improves attack on pole arm.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT 70%
Improves attack on pole arm.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Wolf Spider
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Shield for DEF 70%
Improves weapon def. on the shield.
Success rate 70%, weapon def. +2, magic def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Leader B
Dark Scroll for Shield for HP 30%
Improves HP on the shield.
Success rate: 30%, MaxHP +30
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Leader A
Dark Scroll for Shield for HP 70%
Improves HP on the shield.
Success rate: 70%, MaxHP +15
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Female Boss
Dark Scroll for Shield for Magic ATT 30%
Improves magic attack on the shield.
Success Rate 30%, magic attack +3, INT +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Shield for Magic ATT 70%
Improves magic attack on the shield.
Success Rate 70%, magic attack +2, INT +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Castellan Toad
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Shield for Weapon ATT 30%
Improves weapon attack on the shield.
Success Rate 30%, W. attack +3, STR +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Shield for Weapon ATT 70%
Improves weapon attack on the shield.
Success Rate 70%, W. attack +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Castellan Toad
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Shoes for Jump 30%
Improves jump on shoes.
Success rate: 30%, jump +5, DEX +3, speed +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Crow, Black Crow
Dark Scroll for Shoes for Speed 70%
Improves speed on shoes.
Success rate: 70%, speed +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Water Goblin, Black Crow, Female Boss
Dark Scroll for Spear for ATT 30%
Improves attack on spear.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Spear for ATT 70%
Improves attack on spear.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Staff for Magic ATT 30%
Improves magic on staff.
Success rate: 30%, magic attack +5, INT +3, magic def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Staff for Magic ATT 70%
Improves magic on staff.
Success rate: 70%, magic attack +2, INT +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Topwear for DEF 30%
Improves weapon def. on topwear.
Success rate: 30%, weapon def. +5, magic def. +3, MaxHP +10
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Firebrand
Dark Scroll for Topwear for DEF 70%
Improves weapon def. on topwear.
Success rate: 70%, weapon def. +2, magic def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Fire Raccoon
Dark Scroll for Topwear for STR 30%
Improves STR on topwear.
Success rate: 30%, STR +3
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Headless Horseman
Dark Scroll for Topwear for STR 70%
Improves STR on topwear.
Success rate: 70%, STR +2
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Baby Typhon
Dark Scroll for Two-handed Axe for ATT 30%
Improves attack on two-handed axe.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Two-handed Axe for ATT 70%
Improves attack on two-handed axe.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Two-handed BW for ATT 30%
Improves attack on two-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Fire Raccoon
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Two-handed BW for ATT 70%
Improves attack on two-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: -
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Two-handed Sword for ATT 30%
Improves attack on two-handed sword.
Success rate: 30%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Two-handed Sword for ATT 70%
Improves attack on two-handed sword.
Success rate: 70%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Gryphon
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Scroll for Wand for Magic ATT 30%
Improves magic on wand.
Success rate: 30%, magic attack +5, INT +3, magic def. +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: The Boss
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Dark Scroll for Wand for Magic ATT 70%
Improves magic on wand.
Success rate: 70%, magic attack +2, INT +1
If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.
Dropped by: Dreamy Ghost
Obtained from: Gachapon (REG)
Dark Soul Rock
A soul rock that contains the force of darkness.
Dropped by: Wild Kargo, Tauromacis, Taurospear, Jr. Balrog
Remarks: Untradeable
Dark Stone Golem Rubble
A mystic rubble that was a part of Dark Stone Golem.
Dropped by: Dark Stone Golem
Dark Yeti Horn
A horn cut out of Dark Yeti. Very solid and hard to break.
Dropped by: Dark Yeti, Transformed Dark Yeti, Separated Dark Yeti, Dark Yeti and Pepe
Deep Buffoon's Rock Piece
A rock piece that Deep Buffoon donned on its waste. Quite heavy.
Dropped by: Deep Buffoon
Dented Barrel
Dented wooden barrel soaked with oil.
Dropped by: Jester Scarlion
Destroyed Nest
A dragon nest that has been utterly destroyed.
Dropped by: Nest Golem, Nest Golem
Dexterity Pill
A pill of concentrated dexterity potion. Avoidablity +10 for 10 minutes
Dropped by: Pink Teddy, Barnard Gray, Ultra Gray
Dexterity Potion
Adds quickness.
Avoidability +5 for 3 min.
Dropped by: Zombie Mushroom, Krappy, Rocky Mask, King Clang, Dyle, Soul Teddy, Officer Skeleton, Blue King Goblin, Nine-Tailed Fox, Windraider, Batoo
Diamond Arrow for Bow
A case full of arrows. Can only be used with a bow.
Attack +4.
Dropped by: Killa Bee, Fire Tusk
Diamond Arrow for Crossbow
A case full of arrows. Can only be used with a crossbow.
Attack +4.
Dropped by: Killa Bee, Fire Tusk
Diamond Ore
The ore of a jewel that's transparent
Dropped by: Ghost Stump, Orange Mushroom, Dark Axe Stump, Evil Eye, Pinboom, Fire Boar, Jr. Lioner, Tick, Drumming Bunny, Rombot, Flyeye, Platoon Chronos, Barnard Gray, Zeta Gray, Freezer, Skeledog, Iron Boar, MT-09, Drake, Croco, White Fang, Leatty, Red Drake, Panda, Ice Drake, Dark Drake, Yeti, Transformed Yeti, Separated Yeti, Cerebes, Commander Skeleton, Green Hobi, Blood Harp, Dark Yeti and Pepe, Dark Klock, Bain, Bone Fish, Blue Dragon Turtle, Cold Shark, Nest Golem, Nest Golem, Oblivion Monk, Big Cloud Fox, Male Boss, Chunin, Jonin, Kunoichi, Street Slime, Electrophant, Leprechaun, Leprechaun, Gunner Visitor, Tippo Blue, Selkie Jr., Berserkie, Oly Oly
Dirty Bandage
A string of dirty bandage that was wrapped around Mummydog.
Dropped by: Mummydog
Dragon Heart
A bright, shiny rock that can be found inside the Dragon. Inside the rock features the unbelievable power of the dragon, condensed. Looks vaguely like a red jewelry.
Dropped by: Leviathan
Remarks: Untradeable
Dragon Scale
A piece of scale that fell from dragon. A mysterious force can be felt just by looking at it.
Dropped by: Blue Dragon Turtle, Red Dragon Turtle, Rexton, Brexton, Green Cornian, Dark Cornian, Red Wyvern, Blue Wyvern, Dark Wyvern, Manon, Griffey, Jr. Newtie, Nest Golem, Skelegon, Skelosaurus, Nest Golem
Dragon Skin
A solid piece of dragon's skin that gives off a mysterious light.
Dropped by: Copper Drake, Drake, Red Drake, Ice Drake, Dark Drake
Dragon Spirit
A crystal with rough edges that has a small dragon engraved on it. A mysterious force can be felt just by looking at it.
Dropped by: Blue Dragon Turtle, Red Dragon Turtle, Rexton, Brexton, Green Cornian, Dark Cornian, Red Wyvern, Blue Wyvern, Dark Wyvern, Manon, Griffey, Jr. Newtie, Nest Golem, Skelegon, Skelosaurus, Nest Golem
Drake Skull
It's a skull of Drake
Dropped by: Copper Drake, Drake, Red Drake
Drake's Blood
Drake's blood.
Attack +8 for 5 min.
Dropped by: Drake
Drake's Meat
Drake's meat.
Weapon Def. +10 for 5 min.
Dropped by: Drake
Dry Branch
An arid branch so devoid of water, it looks like even the slightest touch might break it.
Dropped by: Dark Stump, Axe Stump, Stump, Dark Axe Stump
Remarks: Untradeable
Dual Beetle's Horn
A horn removed from Dual Beetle's head. Bigger and stronger than Beetle's horn.
Dropped by: Dual Beetle
Dual Birk's Tiny Tail
A tiny tail from Dual Birk. Girls love its distinctively cute design.
Dropped by: Dual Birk
Dual Pirate's Propeller
A propeller of the boat that Dual Pirate rides on.
Dropped by: Dual Ghost Pirate
Duct Tape
A roll of silver duct tape. Never know when this may come in handy!
Dropped by: Glutton Ghoul, Glutton Ghoul
Dull Crystal
A crystal without the sparkling light, because its powers have been used up while inside the body of the Drum Bunny.
Dropped by: Drumming Bunny
Remarks: Untradeable