物品 (Y)

Yakisoba (x2) (雙份日式炒麵)
Double the serving of a normal bowl of Yakisoba which includes vegetable, seafood, and noodles mixed with a delicious sauce.
Magic Attack +10 for 10 minutes.
掉落怪物: 燈籠鬼, 黑道師爺
備註: 不可交易
Yakisoba (日式炒麵)
A bowl of Yakisoba which includes vegetable, seafood, and noodles mixed with a delicious sauce.
Magic Attack +10 for 5 minutes.
掉落怪物: 黑道大姐頭
備註: 不可交易
Yellow Belt (黃色腰帶)
A long yellow belt that the Grizzly wears around its waist.
掉落怪物: 功夫熊, 肯德熊
Yellow Toy Block (黃色玩具積木)
A toy block that's a part of Golem.
掉落怪物: 積木泥人
Yellow Wig (金色假髮)
Silky and shiny hair of Dark Fission.
掉落怪物: 黑色迫炮
Yeti Horn (雪吉拉之角)
A horn cut out of Yeti. Very solid and hard to break.
掉落怪物: 雪吉拉, 變形雪吉拉, 孤單雪吉拉, 雪吉拉戰車, 雪毛怪人