物品 (W)

Wad of Gum (粉粉又黏黏的)
A wad of gum that has been slightly chewed. Still sticky!
掉落怪物: 貪吃鬼, 貪吃鬼
Warrior Pill (攻擊藥丸)
A pill of concentrated warrior potion. Att. +5 for 10 minutes
掉落怪物: 黃蜘蛛, 妖魔, 馬堤安
Warrior Potion (攻擊藥水)
Increases attacking ability.
Attack +5 for 3 min.
掉落怪物: 黑肥肥, 綠海馬, 嚇壞的野豬, 毒河豚, 青龍, 骷髏指揮官, 怨靈發條熊隊長, 肯德熊, 燈籠鬼, 藍色泳圈, 黑色獵犬
Waste Paper (廢紙)
A piece of trash Paper lying here and there in CBD.
掉落怪物: 變身垃圾桶
Watermelon (西瓜)
A very ripe watermelon.
Recovers about 1000 HP and 1000 MP.
掉落怪物: 火印行者, 南瓜鬼火
Werewolf Toenail (狼人指甲)
A toenail cut out of Werewolf. Better be careful, because it's really sharp.
掉落怪物: 狼人
Whale's Helmet (鯨魚的頭盔)
Helmet worn by Dodo, the Whale of Time.
掉落怪物: 多多
White Fang Tail (白狼之尾巴)
A tail cut out of White Fang. Very soft, white hair.
掉落怪物: 白狼
White Potion (白色藥水)
A highly-concentrated potion made out of red herbs.
Recovers 300 HP.
掉落怪物: 藍菇菇, 哭泣的藍菇菇, 火獨眼獸, 殭屍菇菇, 紅蜘蛛, 泡泡魚, 褐色發條熊, 活跳蝦, 鱷魚, 粉紅發條熊, 白色發條鼠, 火肥肥, 幼紅獨角獅, 幼黃獨角獅, 幼藍獨角獅, 發條貓熊, 玩具鴨, 黑色發條鼠, 黃色戰鬥機, 鼬鼠, 發條楓葉鼠, 潛水企鵝王, 猴子, 風獨眼獸, 小幽靈, 紅螃蟹, 機器章魚王, 蒙面河豚, 星光精靈, 幼魔精靈, 機器章魚, 粉紅色戰鬥機, 藍色戰鬥機, 木馬士兵, 妖魔, 邱布, 特威德, 兔子鼓手, 粉紅小海豹, 土龍, 烏龜, 黑食人花, 泥人領導者, 火蚌殼, 冰獨眼獸, 天使猴, 大幽靈, 鋼之肥肥, 食人花, 月光精靈, 獨眼蝙蝠, 小獵犬, 積木泥人, 積木泥人王, 藍色機器人, 紅色機器人, 鼬鼠鬧鐘, 進化妖魔, 妖魔隊長, 葛雷族人, 葛雷士兵, 葛雷隊長, 馬堤安, 培利堤安, 梅卡堤安, 長牙海豹, 短牙海豹, 骷髏犬, 木乃伊犬, 河豚, 毒河豚, 月妙, 鋼之黑肥肥, 松鼠, 豪豬, 黑豪豬, 青花蛇, 紅花蛇, 罈壺, 蔘罈壺, 葛雷元老, 小雪球, 火精靈, 小虎, 虎傑, 日光精靈, 紅獨角獅, 黃獨角獅, 藍獨角獅, 機器人堤安, 功夫熊, 深山人蔘, 千年人蔘, 訓練用稻草人, 訓練用木頭人, 梅花鹿, 書靈, 青龍, 黑鱷魚, 殭屍, 礦山殭屍, 混種石巨人, 巨居蟹, 殭屍猴王, 咕咕鐘, 利堤, 黑利堤, 巫婆, 小企鵝王, 鱷魚克洛克, 蟠猴, 船員克魯, 喵仙, 沼澤巨鱷, 葛雷金剛, 小丑瑞奇, 幽魂發條熊, 幽魂發條熊隊長, 黑龍, 骷髏士官, 黑吉拉, 變形黑吉拉, 孤單黑吉拉, 特貝爾芬, 怨靈發條熊, 刺鰭魚, 大副凱丁, 多立百烈, 肯德熊, 九尾妖狐, 喵怪仙人, 哈維, 血腥哈維, 暗黑半人馬, 火焰半人馬, 寒冰半人馬, 邪惡綿羊, 惡魔綿羊, 維京, 烏賊怪, 幽魂女巫, 怨靈女巫, 木馬士兵, 中忍, 上忍, 女忍, 火焰象, 黃色炸彈球, 異型滅火器, 限速牌, 紅色泳圈, 藍色泳圈, 章魚怪, 幽靈船員, 娃娃獅, 黑色媚惑
White Scroll (祝福卷軸)
One of Subani's sacred Scrolls. If used in conjunction with a normal or Dark Scroll, the number of item upgrade slots will not be deducted if the scroll fails. However, if using a Dark Scroll, there is still a chance that your weapon will be destroyed.
掉落怪物: -
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (VIP)
White/Purple Ribbon Gift Box (白紫蝴蝶結禮物盒)
An empty gift box in perfect condition. Goes well with new gifts.
掉落怪物: 粉紅發條熊
備註: 不可交易
Wild Boar Tooth (黑肥肥尖牙)
The canine tooth taken off from the Wild Boar
掉落怪物: 黑肥肥, 嚇壞的野豬
Wild Kargo Eye (魔龍之眼)
An eye removed from Wild Kargo
掉落怪物: 魔龍
Wild Kargo's Spirit Rock (魔龍的靈魂石)
A purple rock which contains a sealed-up soul of Wild Kargo.
掉落怪物: 魔龍
備註: 不可交易
Windraider Badge (疾風刺客徽章)
An emblem that marks one as a member of the Windraiders.
掉落怪物: 疾風刺客
備註: 不可交易
Wisdom Crystal Ore (智慧母礦)
An ore of a crystal that possesses wisdom.
掉落怪物: 褐色發條熊, 活跳蝦, 粉紅發條熊, 幼黃獨角獅, 星光精靈, 幼魔精靈, 粉紅色戰鬥機, 木馬士兵, 邱布, 月光精靈, 藍色機器人, 紅色機器人, 葛雷隊長, 培利堤安, 河豚, 月妙, 青花蛇, 黃獨角獅, 白狼, 冰石球, 火石球, 咕咕鐘, 黑利堤, 小丑柏非, 船員克魯, 葛雷金剛, 貝爾芬, 黑吉拉, 變形黑吉拉, 孤單黑吉拉, 橡木甲蟲, 綠色鬼怪, 百烈, 白狼人, 血腥哈維, 黑吉拉戰車, 暗黑三角龍, 致命烏賊怪, 噴火龍, 格瑞芬多, 幼年龍, 化石龍, 回憶守護兵, 回憶守護隊長, 忘卻的祭司, 木馬士兵, 扛霸子, 機械蜘蛛, 身份不明的外星人, 石化戰士, 蒙特雷瑟, 艾摩水靈
Wizard Potion (強效魔力水)
Increases magic attack.
Magic Attack +10 for 3 min.
掉落怪物: 刺菇菇, 海膽, 木面怪人, 小虎, 訓練用稻草人, 殭屍猴王, 咕咕鐘, 刺鰭魚, 骷髏指揮官, 黃色鬼怪, 喵怪仙人, 冥鐘, 艾利傑
Wolbi Throwing-Stars (迴旋鏢)
A throwing-star made out of steel. Once they run out, they need to be recharged.
Level Limit : 10, Attack +17
掉落怪物: 火肥肥, 幼紅獨角獅, 利堤, 中忍, 槍武士, 女忍, 限速牌
Wooden Board (木板)
A wooden board that Wooden Mask wears.
掉落怪物: 木面怪人
Wooden Doll (木頭娃娃)
A wooden doll sculpted from head to toe.
掉落怪物: 訓練用木頭人
Wooden Mask Doll (木妖假面的玩偶)
An adorable doll modeled after the Wooden Mask.
掉落怪物: 木面怪人
備註: 不可交易
Wooden Pony Tail (木製馬尾巴)
Wooden tail of Gallopera.
掉落怪物: 騎士熊
Wooden Shoulder Pad (木頭肩護帶)
A shoulder pad from Green Cornian. Made with wood.
掉落怪物: 短刃龍戰士
Wooden Top (木製陀螺)
When thrown, it spins fast and flies at great speed. Once they are all used up, they need to be recharged.
Level Limit : 10, Attack +19
掉落怪物: 黑斧木妖, 樹妖王
Worn Paper Lantern (破燈籠)
Worn paper lantern from Purple ghost.
掉落怪物: 燈籠鬼
Worn-Out Goggle (舊的太陽鏡)
It is a worn-out goggle. It is too small.
掉落怪物: 邱布
Wripped Note (破損的記事本)
An old, ragged notebook that's been wripped here and there. Something must have been written on it, but there's no way to find out what's in it.
掉落怪物: 鯊魚, 尖鼻鯊魚
備註: 不可交易
Wyvern Gill (翼龍的鰓)
A small gill that is attached to both sides of Blue Wyvern's face.
掉落怪物: 藍翼龍, 寒霜冰龍
Wyvern Toenail (翼龍的指甲)
A small, sharp toenail attached at the end of Dark Wyvern's wings.
掉落怪物: 黑翼龍, 寒霜冰龍
Wyvern Wing (翼龍的翅膀)
A torn red wing from Red Wyvern.
掉落怪物: 赤翼龍, 寒霜冰龍