物品 (S)

SOS Letter (求救信)
A letter requesting rescue inside a glass bottle. Since the bottle contains dry sand, it looks like someone is lost in the middle of an island where there is full of sand.
掉落怪物: 泡泡魚, 花鯰魚, 活跳蝦, 蒙面河豚
Sabots (妖氣木屐)
Pair of Sabots that Red nose was wearing.
掉落怪物: 天狗
Sap of Ancient Tree (枯木樹液)
Sap of a thousands-of-years-old tree.
Magic Attack +10 for 5 min.
掉落怪物: 黑斧木妖, 樹妖王
Sapphire Ore (藍寶石母礦)
The ore of a blue, transparent jewel.
掉落怪物: 藍水靈, 綠水靈, 藍菇菇, 哭泣的藍菇菇, 火獨眼獸, 獨角尼莫, 幼藍獨角獅, 黑色發條鼠, 黃色戰鬥機, 藍色戰鬥機, 鋼之肥肥, 月光精靈, 梅卡堤安, 月妙, 青花蛇, 藍獨角獅, 深山人蔘, 千年人蔘, 訓練用稻草人, 巨居蟹, 殭屍猴王, 小企鵝王, 船員克魯, 冰龍, 怨靈發條熊, 雪吉拉戰車, 哈維, 暗黑三角龍, 藍翼龍, 悔恨的守護隊長, 城市紫菇菇, 殺人虎頭蜂, 標示牌, 章魚怪, 維京熊
Savory Cheese (香濃起司)
As soft as it gets. I can make a soup out of this.
掉落怪物: 白色發條鼠
備註: 不可交易
Sayram's Necklace ( 賽伊蘭的項鍊)
A necklace Sayram made for his trustworthy horse Griffey. There used to be a drawing of where they first met on the necklace, but it's erased now.
掉落怪物: 格瑞芬多
備註: 不可交易
Scarf (圍巾)
Must have fashion item.
掉落怪物: 娃娃獅
Screwdriver (螺絲起子)
A screwdriver that Roly-Poly 6 lost. Used to tighten screws.
掉落怪物: 機器章魚
備註: 不可交易
Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF 10% (褲、裙防禦卷軸10%)
Improves weapon def. on the bottomwear.
Success rate: 10%, weapon def. +5, magic def. +3, MaxHP +10
掉落怪物: 綠水靈, 樹妖王, 藍色機器人, 九尾妖狐, 獨角迅猛龍, 通道守門人, 格瑞芬多, 史萊奇
Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF 100% (褲、裙防禦卷軸100%)
Improves weapon def. on the bottomwear.
Success rate: 100%, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 河童
Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF 60% (褲、裙防禦卷軸60%)
Improves weapon def. on the bottomwear.
Success rate: 60%, weapon def. +2, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 紅蜘蛛, 活跳蝦, 蘑菇王, 怨靈發條熊, 藍色鬼怪, 喵怪仙人, 烏賊怪, 雪毛怪人, 殺人虎頭蜂, 殺人虎頭蜂
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Bottomwear for DEX 10% (褲裙敏捷卷軸 10%)
Improves dexterity on bottomwears
Success rate: 10%, DEX +3, accuracy +2, speed +1
掉落怪物: 積木泥人王, 咕咕鐘, 沼澤巨鱷, 烏賊怪, 化石龍
Scroll for Bottomwear for DEX 100% (褲裙敏捷卷軸100%)
Improves dexterity on bottomwears
Success rate: 100%, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 海膽, 小獵犬, 黑利堤, 萊西, 黑暗冥鐘
Scroll for Bottomwear for DEX 60% (褲裙敏捷卷軸 60%)
Improves dexterity on bottomwears
Success rate: 60%, DEX +2, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 黑龍, 橡木甲蟲, 雪吉拉戰車, 黑暗萊西, 九尾妖狐
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Bottomwear for DEX 60% (褲裙敏捷卷軸60%)
Improves dexterity on the bottomwear.
Success Rate 60%, DEX +2, speed +1
掉落怪物: 騎士熊
Scroll for Bottomwear for HP 10% (褲裙生命卷軸10%)
Improves HP on bottomwears
Success rate: 10%, MaxHP +30
掉落怪物: 蔘罈壺, 柔道貓熊, 小丑瑞奇, 巴洛古, 火焰半人馬, 黑暗冥鐘
Scroll for Bottomwear for HP 100% (褲裙生命卷軸100%)
Improves HP on bottomwears
Success rate: 100%, MaxHP +5
掉落怪物: 石球, 河豚, 黑企鵝王, 幽魂發條熊隊長, 藍色鬼怪
Scroll for Bottomwear for HP 60% (褲裙生命卷軸60%)
Improves HP on bottomwears
Success rate: 60%, MaxHP +15
掉落怪物: 土龍, 虎傑, 獨角迅猛龍
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Bottomwear for Jump 10% (褲裙跳躍卷軸10%)
Improves jumping abilities on bottomwears
Success rate: 10%, jump +4, avoidability +2
掉落怪物: 葛雷元老, 訓練用木頭人, 蘑菇王, 多立百烈, 喵怪仙人, 黑吉拉戰車, 狂暴者
Scroll for Bottomwear for Jump 100% (褲裙跳躍卷軸10%)
Improves jumping abilities on bottomwears
Success rate: 100%, jump +1
掉落怪物: 青蛇, 綠海馬, 玩具鴨, 妖魔隊長, 書靈
Scroll for Bottomwear for Jump 60% (褲裙跳躍卷軸60%)
Improves jumping abilities on bottomwears
Success rate: 60%, jump +2, avoidability +1
掉落怪物: 積木泥人王, 黑曜石巨人, 蘑菇王, 地獄獵犬, 烏賊怪, 雙刀龍戰士, 格瑞芬多
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Bow for ATT 10% (弓攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on bow.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, accuracy +3, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 風獨眼獸, 咕咕鐘, 沼澤巨鱷
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Bow for ATT 100% (弓攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on bow.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Bow for ATT 60% (弓攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on bow.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 幼黃獨角獅, 發條貓熊, 發條楓葉鼠, 長牙海豹, 黑豪豬, 石巨人, 殭屍蘑菇王, 肯德熊, 九尾妖狐, 巴洛古, 噴火龍, 悔恨的守護隊長, 萊伊卡, 藍色蘑菇王, 艾摩水靈
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Cape for DEX 10% (披風敏捷卷軸10%)
Improves DEX on the cape.
Success rate: 10%, DEX +3
掉落怪物: 雪吉拉戰車, 艾利傑
Scroll for Cape for DEX 100% (披風敏捷卷軸100%)
Improves DEX on the cape.
Success rate: 100%, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 綠水靈, 鼬鼠
Scroll for Cape for DEX 60% (披風敏捷卷軸60%)
Improves DEX on the cape.
Success rate: 60%, DEX +2
掉落怪物: 短牙海豹, 野狼, 艾利傑
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Cape for HP 10% (披風生命卷軸10%)
Improves MaxHP on the cape.
Success rate: 10%, MaxHP +20
掉落怪物: 木妖, 火蚌殼, 沼澤巨鱷, 變種侏儒怪, 侏儒怪, 忘卻的守護兵, 雪毛怪人
Scroll for Cape for HP 100% (披風生命卷軸100%)
Improves MaxHP on the cape.
Success rate: 100%, MaxHP +5
掉落怪物: 藍寶
Scroll for Cape for HP 60% (披風生命卷軸60%)
Improves MaxHP on the cape.
Success rate: 60%, MaxHP +10
掉落怪物: 菇菇仔, 火蚌殼, 綠色鬼怪, 艾利傑
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Cape for INT 10% (披風智力卷軸10%)
Improves INT on the cape.
Success rate: 10%, INT +3
掉落怪物: 粉紅發條熊, 樹妖王, 小獵犬, 日光精靈, 黃獨角獅, 殭屍猴王, 九尾妖狐, 雪毛怪人, 街頭混混, 飛行獅
Scroll for Cape for INT 100% (披風智力卷軸100%)
Improves INT on the cape.
Success rate: 100%, INT +1
掉落怪物: 藍水靈
Scroll for Cape for INT 60% (披風智力卷軸60%)
Improves INT on the cape.
Success rate: 60%, INT +2
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 木面怪人, 石球, 樹妖王, 冰石球, 殭屍猴王, 咕咕鐘, 葛雷金剛, 怨靈發條熊, 九尾妖狐, 雪毛怪人, 黑道長老
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Cape for LUK 10% (披風幸運卷軸10%)
Improves LUK on the cape.
Success rate: 10%, LUK +3
掉落怪物: 機器章魚, 虎傑, 藍獨角獅, 深山人蔘, 雪吉拉戰車, 幼龍保護者, 幼龍保護者
Scroll for Cape for LUK 100% (披風幸運卷軸100%)
Improves LUK on the cape.
Success rate: 100%, LUK +1
掉落怪物: 肥肥, 地獄獵犬
Scroll for Cape for LUK 60% (披風幸運卷軸60%)
Improves LUK on the cape.
Success rate: 60%, LUK +2
掉落怪物: 巨居蟹, 幽魂發條熊隊長, 貝爾芬, 黑吉拉, 變形黑吉拉, 孤單黑吉拉, 肯德熊, 煉獄獵犬, 藍色雙角龍, 幽魂女巫, 尖鼻鯊魚, 忘卻的神官, 幽靈船員, 拉塔尼卡船長
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Cape for MP 10% (披風魔力卷軸10%)
Improves MaxMP on the cape.
Success rate: 10%, MaxMP +20
掉落怪物: 食人花
Scroll for Cape for MP 100% (披風魔力卷軸100%)
Improves MaxMP on the cape.
Success rate: 100%, MaxMP +5
掉落怪物: 紅寶, 怨靈發條熊隊長, 維壯
Scroll for Cape for MP 60% (披風魔力卷軸60%)
Improves MaxMP on the cape.
Success rate: 60%, MaxMP +10
掉落怪物: 猴子, 樹妖王, 火精靈, 肯德熊, 九尾妖狐, 喵怪仙人
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Cape for Magic DEF 10% (披風魔防卷軸10%)
Improves magic def. on the cape.
Success rate: 10%, magic def. +5, weapon def. +3, MaxMP +10
掉落怪物: 蝙蝠, 鱷魚, 巨居蟹, 殭屍猴王, 咕咕鐘, 金屬甲蟲
Scroll for Cape for Magic DEF 100% (披風魔防卷軸100%)
Improves magic def. on the cape.
Success rate: 100%, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Cape for Magic DEF 60% (披風魔防卷軸60%)
Improves magic def. on the cape.
Success rate: 60%, magic def. +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 嫩寶, 樹妖王, 木馬士兵, 食人花, 蘑菇王, 小丑柏非, 沼澤巨鱷, 黑龍, 百烈, 肯德熊, 鯊魚, 雪毛怪人, 木馬士兵
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Cape for STR 10% (披風力量卷軸10%)
Improves STR on the cape.
Success rate: 10%, STR +3
掉落怪物: 黑食人花, 獨眼蝙蝠, 木乃伊犬, 惡魔綿羊, 騎士熊
Scroll for Cape for STR 100% (披風力量卷軸100%)
Improves STR on the cape.
Success rate: 100%, STR +1
掉落怪物: 星光精靈, 紅獨角獅, 古惑女
Scroll for Cape for STR 60% (披風力量卷軸60%)
Improves STR on the cape.
Success rate: 60%, STR +2
掉落怪物: 烏龜, 巨居蟹, 咕咕鐘, 特貝爾芬, 鯊魚, 化石龍長老, 暗影武士
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Cape for Weapon DEF 10% (披風防禦卷軸10%)
Improves weapon def. on the cape.
Success rate: 10%, weapon def. +5, magic def. +3, MaxHP +10
掉落怪物: 石球, 星光精靈, 葛雷族人, 雪吉拉戰車, 喵怪仙人, 哈維, 雪狐, 電擊象
Scroll for Cape for Weapon DEF 100% (披風防禦卷軸100%)
Improves weapon def. on the cape.
Success rate: 100%, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Cape for Weapon DEF 60% (披風防禦卷軸60%)
Improves weapon def. on the cape.
Success rate: 60%, weapon def. +3, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: 藍水靈, 獨角尼莫, 樹妖王, 蘑菇王, 黑龍, 化石龍長老, 石化戰士
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Claw for ATT 10% (拳套攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on claw.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, accuracy +3, LUK +1
掉落怪物: 沼澤巨鱷, 雪吉拉戰車, 九尾妖狐, 邪惡綿羊, 怨靈女巫, 幼年龍, 回憶守護兵, 街頭黃水靈, 機械蜘蛛
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Claw for ATT 100% (拳套攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on claw.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Claw for ATT 60% (拳套攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on claw.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 幼紅獨角獅, 鼬鼠鬧鐘, 骷髏士兵, 巨居蟹, 殭屍猴王, 沼澤巨鱷, 殭屍蘑菇王, 刺鰭魚, 狼人, 巴洛古, 獨角迅猛龍, 噴火龍, 萊伊卡, 藍色蘑菇王
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Crossbow for ATT 10% (弩攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on crossbow.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, accuracy +3, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 小雪球, 小虎, 機器人堤安, 訓練用稻草人, 邪惡侏儒怪, 哈維, 黑暗冥鐘, 維京, 化石龍, 忘卻的守護兵
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Crossbow for ATT 100% (弩攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on crossbow.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Crossbow for ATT 60% (弩攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on crossbow.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 花鯰魚, 石巨人, 巨居蟹, 殭屍猴王, 沼澤巨鱷, 殭屍蘑菇王, 黑格里芬, 肯德熊, 喵怪仙人, 巴洛古, 暗黑三角龍, 噴火龍, 忘卻的祭司, 藍色蘑菇王, 維京熊
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Dagger for ATT 10% (短劍攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on dagger.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, LUK +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 藍水靈, 紅寶王, 藍色機器人, 船員克魯, 雪毛怪人, 街頭黃水靈
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Dagger for ATT 100% (短劍攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on dagger.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Dagger for ATT 60% (短劍攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on dagger.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, LUK +1
掉落怪物: 紅螃蟹, 粉紅色戰鬥機, 沼澤巨鱷, 葛雷金剛, 幽魂發條熊隊長, 殭屍蘑菇王, 肯德熊, 九尾妖狐, 巴洛古, 血腥哈維, 短刃龍戰士, 噴火龍, 化石龍, 回憶的祭司, 艾利傑, 藍色蘑菇王, 疾風刺客, 異型滅火器, 幽靈船員
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Earring for DEF 60% (耳環防禦力卷軸60%)
Improves DEF on earrings
Success Rate 60%, weapon defense +1, magic defense +1
掉落怪物: 椰樹怪
Scroll for Earring for DEX 10% (耳環敏捷卷軸10%)
Improves DEX on earrings
Success rate: 10%, DEX +3
掉落怪物: 小丑瑞奇, 哈維, 黑吉拉戰車, 冥鐘, 致命烏賊怪, 史萊奇
Scroll for Earring for DEX 100% (耳環敏捷卷軸100%)
Improves DEX on earrings
Success rate: 100%, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 石球, 藍色戰鬥機, 虎傑, 血腥哈維
Scroll for Earring for DEX 60% (耳環敏捷卷軸60%)
Improves DEX on earrings
Success rate: 60%, DEX +2
掉落怪物: 書靈, 黑色小雪球, 冰龍, 維京, 悔恨的神官, 利里諾斯
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Earring for HP 10% (耳環生命卷軸10%)
Improves HP on earrings
Success rate: 10%, MaxHP +30
掉落怪物: 蟠猴, 冰龍, 骷髏士官, 黑吉拉戰車, 噴火龍
Scroll for Earring for HP 100% (耳環生命卷軸100%)
Improves HP on earrings
Success rate: 100%, MaxHP +5
掉落怪物: 培利堤安, 日光精靈, 刺鰭魚
Scroll for Earring for HP 60% (耳環生命卷軸60%)
Improves HP on earrings
Success rate: 60%, MaxHP +15
掉落怪物: 火蚌殼, 火精靈, 野狼, 萊西, 化石龍長老, 多多
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Earring for INT 10% (耳環智力卷軸10%)
Improves INT on ear accessory.
Success rate: 10%, magic attack +5, INT +3, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 機器章魚王, 藍色戰鬥機, 粉紅小海豹, 火蚌殼, 咕咕鐘, 狼人, 黃色鬼怪, 冥鐘, 雙刀龍戰士, 黑翼龍, 格瑞芬多, 悔恨的守護兵, 艾利傑, 身份不明的外星人
Scroll for Earring for INT 100% (耳環智力卷軸100%)
Improves INT on ear accessory.
Success rate: 100%, magic attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Earring for INT 60% (耳環智力卷軸60%)
Improves INT on ear accessory.
Success rate: 60%, magic attack +2, INT +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 石面怪人, 火蚌殼, 殭屍猴王, 蘑菇王, 鱷魚克洛克, 喵仙, 小丑瑞奇, 骷髏指揮官, 九尾妖狐, 尖鼻鯊魚, 艾利傑, 黑道長老
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Earring for LUK 10% (耳環幸運卷軸10%)
Improves LUK on earrings
Success rate: 10%, LUK +3
掉落怪物: 藍獨角獅, 魔龍, 惡魔綿羊, 雪毛怪人
Scroll for Earring for LUK 100% (耳環幸運卷軸100%)
Improves LUK on earrings
Success rate: 100%, LUK +1
掉落怪物: 黃蜘蛛, 月光精靈, 赤龍
Scroll for Earring for LUK 60% (耳環幸運卷軸60%)
Improves LUK on earrings
Success rate: 60%, LUK +2
掉落怪物: 小雪球, 特貝爾芬, 黑暗萊西, 火焰半人馬, 回憶的祭司, 利里諾斯
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Eye Accessory for Accuracy 10% (眼部裝飾命中值卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on eye accessories.
Success rate: 10%, Accuracy +3, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 中忍, 槍武士
Scroll for Eye Accessory for Accuracy 60% (眼部裝飾命中值卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on eye accessories.
Success rate: 60%, Accuracy +2
掉落怪物: 下忍
Scroll for Eye Accessory for INT 60% (眼部裝飾智力卷軸60%)
Improves INT on eye accessories.
Success rate: 60%, INT +1, Magic Def. +1
掉落怪物: 上忍
Scroll for Face Accessory for Avoidability 10% (臉部裝飾迴避值卷軸10%)
Improves avoidability on face accessories.
Success rate: 10%, Avoidability +2, DEX +2
掉落怪物: 嫩寶, 槍武士
Scroll for Face Accessory for HP 60% (臉部裝飾生命卷軸60%)
Improves MaxHP on face accessories.
Success rate: 60%, MaxHP +15
掉落怪物: 中忍, 椰樹怪
Scroll for Gloves for ATT 10% (手套攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on gloves.
Success rate: 10%, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 烏龜, 火蚌殼, 火石球, 肯德熊, 火焰半人馬, 噴火龍, 化石龍, 上忍
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Gloves for ATT 100% (手套攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on gloves.
Success rate: 100%, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Gloves for ATT 60% (手套攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on gloves.
Success rate 60%, weapon att. +2
掉落怪物: 火蚌殼, 進化妖魔, 馬堤安, 培利堤安, 小雪球, 小虎, 梅花鹿, 混種石巨人, 巨居蟹, 咕咕鐘, 蘑菇王, 沼澤巨鱷, 葛雷金剛, 幽魂發條熊, 骷髏士官, 九尾妖狐, 致命烏賊怪, 雪毛怪人, 黑道長老, 電擊象, 騎士熊
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Gloves for DEX 10% (手套敏捷卷軸10%)
Improves dexterity on gloves.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, avoidability +1
掉落怪物: 黑木妖, 葛雷隊長, 巨居蟹, 冥鐘, 達納托斯, 格瑞芬多, 疾風刺客, 維京熊
Scroll for Gloves for DEX 100% (手套敏捷卷軸100%)
Improves dexterity on gloves.
Success rate: 100%, accurcacy +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Gloves for DEX 60% (手套敏捷卷軸60%)
Improves dexterity on gloves.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +2, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 發芽木妖, 樹妖王, 蒙面河豚, 毒河豚, 殭屍猴王, 蘑菇王, 橡木甲蟲, 喵怪仙人, 致命烏賊怪, 雪毛怪人, 黃色炸彈球
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Gloves for HP 10% (手套生命卷軸10%)
Improves HP on gloves
Success rate: 10%, MaxHP +30
掉落怪物: 訓練用木頭人, 書靈, 咕咕鐘, 貝爾芬, 肯德熊, 白狼人, 暗黑半人馬
Scroll for Gloves for HP 100% (手套生命卷軸100%)
Improves HP on gloves
Success rate: 100%, MaxHP +5
掉落怪物: 火獨眼獸, 黑豪豬, 魔龍, 怨靈發條熊隊長
Scroll for Gloves for HP 60% (手套生命卷軸60%)
Improves HP on gloves
Success rate: 60%, MaxHP +15
掉落怪物: 骷髏犬, 混種石巨人, 大副凱丁, 萊西, 哈維, 噴火龍, 悔恨的神官, 寒霜冰龍
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Gun for ATT 10% (火槍攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on Guns.
Success rate: 10%, weapon att. +5, accuracy +3, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 風獨眼獸, 積木泥人王, 咕咕鐘, 船員克魯, 幽魂發條熊, 喵怪仙人, 藍色雙角龍, 鯊魚, 化石龍
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Gun for ATT 100% (火槍攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on Guns.
Success rate: 100%, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Gun for ATT 60% (火槍攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on Guns.
Success rate: 60%, weapon att. +2, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 妖魔, 兔子鼓手, 梅卡堤安, 虎傑, 殭屍猴王, 葛雷金剛, 殭屍蘑菇王, 黑格里芬, 刺鰭魚, 雪吉拉戰車, 九尾妖狐, 巴洛古, 赤翼龍, 噴火龍, 幼龍保護者, 幼龍保護者, 回憶守護隊長, 萊伊卡
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Helmet for DEF 10% (頭盔防禦卷軸10%)
Improves helmet def.
Success Rate: 10%, weapon def. +5, magic def. +3, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 嫩寶, 紅寶王, 大副凱丁, 萊西, 格瑞芬多, 艾利傑
Scroll for Helmet for DEF 100% (頭盔防禦卷軸100%)
Improves the helmet's weapon def.
Success rate: 100%, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Helmet for DEF 60% (頭盔防禦卷軸60%)
Improves helmet def.
Success rate: 60%, weapon def. +2, magic def., +2
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 黃金海馬, 冰獨眼獸, 河豚, 松鼠, 罈壺, 蘑菇王, 黑龍, 短刃龍戰士, 藍翼龍, 艾利傑
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Helmet for DEX 10% (頭盔敏捷卷軸10%)
Improves DEX on headwear
Success rate 10%, DEX +3
掉落怪物: 葛雷隊長, 功夫熊, 沼澤巨鱷, 狼人, 怨靈發條熊隊長, 巨人維京
Scroll for Helmet for DEX 100% (頭盔敏捷卷軸100%)
Improves DEX on headwear
Success rate 100%, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 小幽靈, 鋼之肥肥, 黑鱷魚, 黑色小雪球
Scroll for Helmet for DEX 60% (頭盔敏捷卷軸60%)
Improves DEX on headwear
Success rate 60%, DEX +2
掉落怪物: 火蚌殼, 妖魔隊長, 月妙, 葛雷元老, 礦山殭屍, 回憶的祭司, 多多
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Helmet for HP 10% (頭盔生命卷軸10%)
Improves MaxHP on hats.
Success rate: 10%, MaxHP +30
掉落怪物: 小幽靈, 肯德熊, 格瑞芬多
Scroll for Helmet for HP 100% (頭盔生命卷軸100%)
Improves MaxHP on hats.
Success rate: 100%, MaxHP +5
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Helmet for HP 60% (頭盔生命卷軸60%)
Improves MaxHP on hats.
Success rate: 60%, MaxHP +10
掉落怪物: 紅色機器人, 巨居蟹, 蘑菇王, 變身小鬼怪, 沼澤巨鱷, 喵怪仙人, 寒冰半人馬, 幼年龍
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Helmet for INT 10% (頭盔智力卷軸10%)
Improves INT on headwear
Success rate 10%, INT +3
掉落怪物: 大幽靈, 訓練用稻草人, 殭屍, 血腥哈維, 雪毛怪人
Scroll for Helmet for INT 100% (頭盔智力卷軸100%)
Improves INT on headwear
Success rate 100%, INT +1
掉落怪物: 蝙蝠, 紅螃蟹, 白狼, 蘑菇王, 黑龍, 綠色鬼怪
Scroll for Helmet for INT 60% (頭盔智力卷軸60%)
Improves INT on headwear
Success rate 60%, INT +2
掉落怪物: 土龍, 怨靈發條熊, 雪吉拉戰車, 肯德熊, 九尾妖狐, 巨人維京, 回憶守護隊長, 多多, 黑道長老
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Knuckle for ATT 10% (指虎攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on Knucklers.
Success rate: 10%, weapon att. +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 發芽木妖, 黃蜘蛛, 鱷魚, 紅螃蟹, 黑曜石巨人, 殭屍猴王, 鱷魚克洛克, 邪惡侏儒怪, 九尾妖狐, 黑吉拉戰車, 維京, 雙刀龍戰士, 雪毛怪人, 藍色大貨車
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Knuckle for ATT 100% (指虎攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on Knucklers.
Success rate: 100%, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Knuckle for ATT 60% (指虎攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on Knucklers.
Success rate: 60%, weapon att. +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 蝙蝠, 長牙海豹, 黑鱷魚, 咕咕鐘, 小企鵝王, 小丑瑞奇, 殭屍蘑菇王, 肯德熊, 巴洛古, 邪惡綿羊, 進化迅猛龍, 噴火龍, 化石龍長老, 萊伊卡
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Knuckle for Accuracy 10% (指虎命中卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on knuckles.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 火蚌殼, 野狼, 小企鵝王, 魔龍, 維京
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Knuckle for Accuracy 100% (指虎命中卷軸100%)
Improves accuracy on knuckles.
Success rate: 100%, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 木面怪人, 長牙海豹, 小虎, 哈維, 藍色雙角龍
Scroll for Knuckle for Accuracy 60% (指虎命中卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on knuckles.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +3, DEX +2, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: 幼藍獨角獅, 星光精靈, 咕咕鐘, 沼澤巨鱷, 火焰半人馬, 時間之眼
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed Axe for ATT 10% (單手斧攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on one-handed axe.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 綠菇菇, 鼬鼠
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed Axe for ATT 100% (單手斧攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on one-handed axe.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for One-Handed Axe for ATT 60% (單手斧攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on one-handed axe.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 樹妖王, 葛雷金剛, 殭屍蘑菇王, 月牙牛魔王, 肯德熊, 喵怪仙人, 巴洛古, 噴火龍, 藍色蘑菇王
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed Axe for Accuracy 10% (單手斧命中卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on one-handed axe.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 幼黃獨角獅, 黑豪豬, 特貝爾芬, 赤翼龍, 格瑞芬多
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed Axe for Accuracy 100% (單手斧命中卷軸100%)
Improves accuracy on one-handed axe.
Success rate: 100%, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 獨角尼莫, 幼藍獨角獅, 小雪球, 喵仙, 黑暗冥鐘
Scroll for One-Handed Axe for Accuracy 60% (單手斧命中卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on one-handed axe.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +3, DEX +2, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: 紅蜘蛛, 蝙蝠, 小丑柏非, 柔道貓熊, 綠色鬼怪, 噴火龍
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed BW for ATT 10% (單手棍攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on one-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 斧木妖, 玩具鴨, 獨眼蝙蝠, 變身垃圾桶
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed BW for ATT 100% (單手棍攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on one-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for One-Handed BW for ATT 60% (單手棍攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on one-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 樹妖王, 青螃蟹, 咕咕鐘, 殭屍蘑菇王, 巴洛古, 噴火龍, 藍色大貨車
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed BW for Accuracy 10% (單手棍命中卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on one-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 刺菇菇, 鼬鼠, 葛雷金剛, 惡魔綿羊, 格瑞芬多
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed BW for Accuracy 100% (單手棍命中卷軸100%)
Improves accuracy on one-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 100%, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 特威德, 泥人領導者, 骷髏士兵, 雪吉拉戰車, 怨靈發條熊隊長
Scroll for One-Handed BW for Accuracy 60% (單手棍命中卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on one-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +3, DEX +2, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: 發條貓熊, 積木泥人, 黑鱷魚, 蘑菇王, 魔龍
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 10% (單手劍攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on one-handed sword.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 三眼章魚, 紅獨角獅, 巨居蟹, 黑暗萊西, 巨人維京, 赤翼龍, 電擊象
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 100% (單手劍攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on one-handed sword.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 60% (單手劍攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on one-handed sword.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 黃色戰鬥機, 樹妖王, 鱷魚克洛克, 殭屍蘑菇王, 綠色鬼怪, 巴洛古, 尖鼻鯊魚, 噴火龍, 藍色蘑菇王, 蒙特雷瑟
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed Sword for Accuracy 10% (單手劍命中卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on one-handed swords.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 小雪球, 殭屍蘑菇王, 肯德熊, 致命烏賊怪, 怨靈女巫
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for One-Handed Sword for Accuracy 100% (單手劍命中卷軸100%)
Improves accuracy on one-handed swords.
Success rate: 100%, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 綠海馬, 百烈, 血腥哈維, 獨角迅猛龍
Scroll for One-Handed Sword for Accuracy 60% (單手劍命中卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on one-handed swords.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +3, DEX +2, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: 日光精靈, 機器人堤安, 喵仙, 雪吉拉戰車, 九尾妖狐, 艾利傑
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF 10% (套服防禦卷軸10%)
Improves def. on the overall armor.
Success rate: 10%, wepon def. +5, magic def. +3, MaxHP +10
掉落怪物: 黑暗萊西, 格瑞芬多
Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF 100% (套服防禦卷軸100%)
Improves weapon def. on the overall armor.
Success rate: 100%, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF 60% (套服防禦卷軸60%)
Improves def. on the overall armor.
Success rate: 60%, weapon def. +2, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: 積木泥人王, 紅花蛇, 日光精靈, 訓練用木頭人, 殭屍猴王, 蘑菇王, 黃色鬼怪, 喵怪仙人, 歐里歐里
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 10% (套服敏捷卷軸10%)
Improves dexterity on the overall armor.
Success rate: 10%, DEX +5, accuracy +3, speed +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶, 樹妖王, 紅色機器人, 咕咕鐘, 百烈, 格瑞芬多
Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 100% (套服敏捷卷軸100%)
Improves dexterity on the overall armor.
success rate: 100%, DEX +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 60% (套服敏捷卷軸60%)
Improves dexterity on the overall armor.
Success rate: 60%, DEX +2, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 發芽木妖, 紅寶王, 花鯰魚, 蘑菇王, 變身小鬼怪, 沼澤巨鱷, 九尾妖狐, 雙刀龍戰士, 忘卻的守護隊長, 雪毛怪人
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Overall Armor for INT 10% (套服智力卷軸10%)
Improves INT on the overall armor.
Success rate: 10%, INT +5, magic def. +3, MaxMP +10
掉落怪物: 殭屍猴王, 肯德熊, 喵怪仙人, 維京熊
Scroll for Overall Armor for INT 100% (套服智力卷軸100%)
Improves INT on the overall armor.
Success rate: 100%, INT +1
掉落怪物: 侏儒怪, 黑吉拉戰車, 烏賊怪, 達納托斯
Scroll for Overall Armor for INT 60% (套服智力卷軸60%)
Improves INT on the overall armor.
Success rate: 60%, INT +2, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: 巨居蟹, 九尾妖狐, 黑暗冥鐘, 骨骸魚, 格瑞芬多, 天皇蟾蜍, 守衛
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Overall Armor for LUK 10% (套服幸運卷軸10%)
Improves LUK on the overall armor.
Success rate: 10%, LUK +5, avoidability +3, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 火蚌殼
Scroll for Overall Armor for LUK 100% (套服幸運卷軸100%)
Improves LUK on the overall armor.
Success rate: 100%, LUK +1
掉落怪物: 功夫熊, 殭屍, 黑暗萊西, 藍色雙角龍
Scroll for Overall Armor for LUK 60% (套服幸運卷軸60%)
Improves LUK on the overall armor.
Success rate: 60%, LUK +2, avoidability +1
掉落怪物: 火蚌殼, 咕咕鐘, 沼澤巨鱷, 葛雷金剛, 骷髏指揮官, 赤翼龍, 格瑞芬多, 河童, 艾摩水靈
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Overall for STR 10% (套服力量卷軸10%)
Improves strength on overalls
Success rate: 10%, STR +5, weapon def. +3, MaxHP +5
掉落怪物: 梅花鹿, 特貝爾芬, 綠色鬼怪, 化石龍
Scroll for Overall for STR 100% (套服力量卷軸100%)
Improves strength on overalls
Success rate: 100%, STR +1
掉落怪物: 活跳蝦, 培利堤安, 幽魂發條熊, 化石龍長老
Scroll for Overall for STR 60% (套服力量卷軸60%)
Improves strength on overalls
Success rate: 60%, STR +2, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 格瑞芬多, 時間之眼, 多多
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Pet Equip. for Speed 100% (寵物速度卷軸100%)
Improves speed on pet equip.
Success rate: 100%, speed +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT 10% (矛攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on pole arm.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 火獨眼獸, 黑翼龍, 艾利傑, 燈籠鬼, 身份不明的外星人
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT 100% (矛攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on pole arm.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT 60% (矛攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on pole arm.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 白色發條鼠, 沼澤巨鱷, 葛雷金剛, 殭屍蘑菇王, 變種侏儒怪, 多立百烈, 巴洛古, 噴火龍, 回憶的神官, 艾利傑, 狂暴者
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Pole arm for Accuracy 10% (矛命中卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on pole arms.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 猴子, 兔子鼓手, 積木泥人, 幽魂發條熊, 冰龍, 喵怪仙人
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Pole arm for Accuracy 100% (矛命中卷軸100%)
Improves accuracy on pole arms.
Success rate: 100%, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 粉紅小海豹, 青花蛇
Scroll for Pole arm for Accuracy 60% (矛命中卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on pole arms.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +3, DEX +2, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: 樹妖王, 冰獨眼獸, 怨靈發條熊, 肯德熊, 回憶守護兵
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Shield for DEF 10% (盾牌防禦卷軸10%)
Improves weapon def. on the shield.
Success rate 10%, weapon def. +5, magic def. +3, MaxHP +10
掉落怪物: 緞帶肥肥, 奇怪的豬, 青蛇, 星光精靈, 特威德, 泥人領導者, 巨居蟹, 橡木甲蟲, 九尾妖狐, 白狼人, 巨人維京, 格瑞芬多
Scroll for Shield for DEF 100% (盾牌防禦卷軸100%)
Improves weapon def. on the shield.
Success rate: 100%, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 黃蜘蛛, 綠海馬
Scroll for Shield for DEF 60% (盾牌防禦卷軸60%)
Improves weapon def. on the shield.
Success rate: 60%, weapon def. +2, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: 木面怪人, 樹妖王, 積木泥人, 毒河豚, 豪豬, 小虎, 訓練用稻草人, 梅花鹿, 白狼, 混種石巨人, 殭屍猴王, 蘑菇王, 肯德熊, 暗黑半人馬, 進化迅猛龍, 鯊魚, 雪毛怪人
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Shield for HP 10% (盾牌生命卷軸10%)
Improves HP on shields
Success rate: 10%, MaxHP +30
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 梅花鹿, 混種石巨人, 殭屍猴王, 冰龍, 骷髏士官, 怨靈發條熊
Scroll for Shield for HP 100% (盾牌生命卷軸100%)
Improves HP on shields
Success rate: 100%, MaxHP +5
掉落怪物: 木馬士兵, 藍色機器人, 火石球, 木馬士兵
Scroll for Shield for HP 60% (盾牌生命卷軸60%)
Improves HP on shields
Success rate: 60%, MaxHP +15
掉落怪物: 千年人蔘, 訓練用稻草人, 書靈, 邪惡侏儒怪, 黑吉拉戰車, 回憶守護兵, 雪毛怪人, 利里諾斯
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Shield for LUK 10% (盾牌幸運卷軸10%)
Improves LUK on shields
Success rate: 10%, LUK +3
掉落怪物: 小雪球, 訓練用稻草人, 喵仙, 葛雷金剛, 冥鐘, 暗黑三角龍, 格瑞芬多
Scroll for Shield for LUK 100% (盾牌幸運卷軸100%)
Improves LUK on shields
Success rate: 100%, LUK +1
掉落怪物: 發條貓熊, 烏龜, 鋼之黑肥肥, 怨靈發條熊
Scroll for Shield for LUK 60% (盾牌幸運卷軸60%)
Improves LUK on shields
Success rate: 60%, LUK +2
掉落怪物: 藍獨角獅, 幽魂發條熊, 百烈, 藍翼龍, 通道守門人, 化石龍長老, 忘卻的祭司, 多多
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Shield for Magic ATT 60% (盾牌魔力卷軸60%)
Improves magic attack on the shield.
Success Rate 60%, magic attack +2, INT +1
掉落怪物: 上忍, 地獄巴洛古, 天皇蟾蜍
Scroll for Shield for STR 10% (盾牌力量卷軸10%)
Improves strength on shields
Success rate: 10%, STR +3
掉落怪物: 小雪球, 紅獨角獅, 咕咕鐘, 九尾妖狐, 白狼人
Scroll for Shield for STR 100% (盾牌力量卷軸100%)
Improves strength on shields
Success rate: 100%, STR +1
掉落怪物: 紅蜘蛛, 邱布, 骷髏犬, 骨骸魚, 維京
Scroll for Shield for STR 60% (盾牌力量卷軸60%)
Improves strength on shields
Success rate: 60%, STR +2
掉落怪物: 積木泥人王, 妖魔隊長, 葛雷隊長, 訓練用木頭人, 殭屍猴王, 尖鼻鯊魚, 悔恨的祭司, 利里諾斯, 身份不明的外星人
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Shield for Weapon ATT 10% (盾牌攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves weapon attack on the shield.
Success Rate 10%, W. attack +3, STR +2
掉落怪物: 下忍
Scroll for Shield for Weapon ATT 60% (盾牌攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves weapon attack on the shield.
Success Rate 60%, W. attack +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 槍武士, 女忍, 天皇蟾蜍
Scroll for Shoes for DEX 10% (鞋子敏捷卷軸10%)
Improves dexterity on shoes.
Success rate: 10%, Avoidability +5, accuracy +3, speed +1
掉落怪物: 肥肥, 巨居蟹, 沼澤巨鱷, 喵怪仙人, 達納托斯, 格瑞芬多
Scroll for Shoes for DEX 100% (鞋子敏捷卷軸100%)
Improves dexterity on shoes.
Success rate: 100%, Avoidability +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Shoes for DEX 60% (鞋子敏捷卷軸60%)
Improves dexterity on shoes.
Success rate: 60%, Avoidatility +2, Accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 泡泡魚, 褐色發條熊, 樹妖王, 蒙面河豚, 蘑菇王, 藍色鬼怪, 九尾妖狐, 喵怪仙人, 烏賊怪, 赤翼龍, 悔恨的守護兵, 雪毛怪人
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Shoes for Jump 10% (鞋子跳躍卷軸10%)
Improves jump on shoes.
Success rate: 10%, jump +5, DEX +3, speed +1
掉落怪物: 菇菇寶貝, 火蚌殼, 月光精靈, 骷髏犬, 月妙, 青花蛇, 利堤, 大副凱丁, 萊西, 肯德熊, 通道守門人, 格瑞芬多
Scroll for Shoes for Jump 100% (鞋子跳躍卷軸100%)
Improves jump on shoes.
Success rate: 100%, jump +1
掉落怪物: 黑色發條鼠, 火焰半人馬
Scroll for Shoes for Jump 60% (鞋子跳躍卷軸60%)
Improves jump on shoes.
Success rate: 60%, jump +2, DEX +1
掉落怪物: 火蚌殼, 河豚, 巨居蟹, 咕咕鐘, 蘑菇王, 艾摩水靈
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Shoes for Speed 10% (鞋子速度卷軸10%)
Improves speed on shoes.
Success rate: 10%, speed +3
掉落怪物: 格瑞芬多
Scroll for Shoes for Speed 100% (鞋子速度卷軸100%)
Improves speed on shoes.
Success rate: 100%, speed +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Shoes for Speed 60% (鞋子速度卷軸60%)
Improves speed on shoes.
success rate: 60%, speed +2
掉落怪物: 葛雷士兵, 巨居蟹, 殭屍猴王, 蘑菇王, 葛雷金剛, 喵怪仙人, 血腥哈維, 幼龍保護者, 幼龍保護者, 回憶的神官, 艾利傑, 河童, 石化戰士
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Spear for ATT 10% (槍攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on spear.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 殭屍菇菇, 獨角尼莫, 殭屍猴王, 喵怪仙人, 艾利傑, 不明飛天物, 黑色獵犬
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Spear for ATT 100% (槍攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on spear.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Spear for ATT 60% (槍攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on spear.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 石面怪人, 積木泥人王, 骷髏犬, 咕咕鐘, 葛雷金剛, 殭屍蘑菇王, 地獄獵犬, 怨靈發條熊隊長, 巴洛古, 黑翼龍, 噴火龍, 悔恨的守護兵, 艾利傑, 萊伊卡, 藍色蘑菇王, 電子機器人, 守衛
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Spear for Accuracy 10% (槍命中卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on spears.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 天使猴, 寒冰半人馬, 藍色雙角龍, 雪毛怪人
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Spear for Accuracy 100% (槍命中卷軸100%)
Improves accuracy on spears.
Success rate: 100%, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 河豚, 紅花蛇, 深山人蔘, 哈維
Scroll for Spear for Accuracy 60% (槍命中卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on spears.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +3, DEX +2, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: 木面怪人, 粉紅色戰鬥機, 蔘罈壺, 骷髏士兵, 小丑柏非, 沼澤巨鱷, 肯德熊, 回憶守護隊長
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Staff for Magic ATT 10% (長杖魔力卷軸10%)
Improves magic on staff.
Success rate: 10%, magic attack +5, INT +3, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: 妖魔隊長, 梅卡堤安, 咕咕鐘, 幽魂發條熊, 骷髏士官, 邪惡綿羊, 雪毛怪人
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Staff for Magic ATT 100% (長杖魔力卷軸100%)
Improves magic on staff.
Success rate: 100%, magic attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Staff for Magic ATT 60% (長杖魔力卷軸60%)
Improves magic on staff.
Success rate: 60%, magic attack +2, INT +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 石面怪人, 葛雷元老, 三尾狐, 功夫熊, 骷髏士兵, 殭屍猴王, 小企鵝王, 小丑柏非, 殭屍蘑菇王, 雪吉拉戰車, 肯德熊, 九尾妖狐, 巴洛古, 黑吉拉戰車, 藍色雙角龍, 進化迅猛龍, 噴火龍, 幼龍保護者, 幼龍保護者, 忘卻的神官, 雪毛怪人
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Topwear for DEF 10% (上衣防禦卷軸10%)
Improves weapon def. on topwear.
Success rate: 10%, weapon def. +5, magic def. +3, MaxHP +10
掉落怪物: 木妖, 紅寶王, 樹妖王, 礦山殭屍, 黑利堤, 喵怪仙人, 格瑞芬多
Scroll for Topwear for DEF 100% (上衣防禦卷軸100%)
Improves weapon def. on topwear.
Success rate: 100%, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Topwear for DEF 60% (上衣防禦卷軸60%)
Improves weapon def. on topwear.
Success rate: 60%, weapon def. +2, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 黃金海馬, 鼬鼠鬧鐘, 咕咕鐘, 蘑菇王, 企鵝王, 變身小鬼怪, 黑龍, 骨骸魚, 怨靈女巫, 藍翼龍, 艾利傑, 維壯
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Topwear for HP 10% (上衣生命卷軸10%)
Improves HP on topwear
Success rate 10%, MaxHP +30
掉落怪物: 活跳蝦, 訓練用稻草人, 青龍, 幽魂發條熊, 殭屍蘑菇王
Scroll for Topwear for HP 100% (上衣生命卷軸100%)
Improves HP on topwear
Success rate 100%, MaxHP +5
掉落怪物: 豪豬, 三尾狐, 尖鼻鯊魚
Scroll for Topwear for HP 60% (上衣生命卷軸60%)
Improves HP on topwear
Success rate 60%, MaxHP +15
掉落怪物: 梅花鹿, 鱷魚克洛克, 貝爾芬, 刺鰭魚, 月牙牛魔王
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Topwear for LUK 10% (上衣幸運卷軸10%)
Improves luck on topwear
Success rate: 10%, LUK +3
掉落怪物: 青螃蟹, 蘑菇王, 黑格里芬, 大副凱丁, 九尾妖狐, 巨人維京, 幽魂女巫
Scroll for Topwear for LUK 100% (上衣幸運卷軸100%)
Improves luck on topwear
Success rate: 100%, LUK +1
掉落怪物: 紅螃蟹, 日光精靈, 深山人蔘, 骷髏士官, 金屬甲蟲
Scroll for Topwear for LUK 60% (上衣幸運卷軸60%)
Improves luck on topwear
Success rate: 60%, LUK +2
掉落怪物: 木乃伊犬, 千年人蔘, 黑曜石巨人, 葛雷金剛, 短刃龍戰士
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Topwear for STR 10% (上衣力量卷軸10%)
Improves strength on topwear
Success rate 10%, STR +3
掉落怪物: 木乃伊犬, 礦山殭屍, 黑企鵝王, 黑格里芬, 巴洛古, 幼年龍, 蒙特雷瑟
Scroll for Topwear for STR 100% (上衣力量卷軸100%)
Improves strength on topwear
Success rate 100%, STR +1
掉落怪物: 黃金海馬, 毒河豚, 月妙, 骷髏士官
Scroll for Topwear for STR 60% (上衣力量卷軸60%)
Improves strength on topwear
Success rate 60%, STR +2
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 企鵝王, 怨靈發條熊, 骷髏指揮官, 巨人維京
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-Handed Axe for Accuracy 10% (雙手斧命中卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on two-handed axe.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 黃蜘蛛, 月光精靈, 葛雷元老, 咕咕鐘, 長槍牛魔王, 艾利傑
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-Handed Axe for Accuracy 100% (雙手斧命中卷軸100%)
Improves accuracy on two-handed axe.
Success rate: 100%, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 邱布, 馬堤安, 蔘罈壺, 野狼, 幼年龍
Scroll for Two-Handed Axe for Accuracy 60% (雙手斧命中卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on two-handed axe.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +3, DEX +2, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: 樹妖王, 機器章魚王, 黑色小雪球, 蟠猴, 冰龍, 格瑞芬多, 時間之眼
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-Handed BW for Accuracy 10% (雙手棍命中卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on two-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 月光精靈, 妖魔隊長, 白狼, 雪吉拉戰車, 化石龍長老, 艾利傑
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-Handed BW for Accuracy 100% (雙手棍命中卷軸100%)
Improves accuracy on two-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 100%, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 黑斧木妖, 白色發條鼠, 雙刀龍戰士
Scroll for Two-Handed BW for Accuracy 60% (雙手棍命中卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on two-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +3, DEX +2, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: 蒙面河豚, 紅獨角獅, 黃獨角獅, 黑鱷魚, 小石球, 回憶的神官, 寒霜冰龍
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-Handed Sword for Accuracy 10% (雙手劍命中卷軸10%)
Improves accuracy on two-handed swords.
Success rate: 10%, accuracy +5, DEX +3, weapon att. +3
掉落怪物: 土龍, 積木泥人王, 柔道貓熊, 橡木甲蟲, 肯德熊, 噴火龍
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-Handed Sword for Accuracy 100% (雙手劍命中卷軸100%)
Improves accuracy on two-handed swords.
Success rate: 100%, accuracy +1
掉落怪物: 火獨眼獸, 藍色機器人, 侏儒怪, 白狼人
Scroll for Two-Handed Sword for Accuracy 60% (雙手劍命中卷軸60%)
Improves accuracy on two-handed swords.
Success rate: 60%, accuracy +3, DEX +2, weapon att. +1
掉落怪物: 黑斧木妖, 粉紅發條熊, 藍色鬼怪, 黑吉拉戰車, 雙刀龍戰士, 悔恨的祭司
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-handed Axe for ATT 10% (雙手斧攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on two-handed axe.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 刺菇菇, 妖魔隊長, 罈壺, 小石球
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-handed Axe for ATT 100% (雙手斧攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on two-handed axe.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Two-handed Axe for ATT 60% (雙手斧攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on two-handed axe.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 殭屍猴王, 殭屍蘑菇王, 金屬甲蟲, 長槍牛魔王, 雪吉拉戰車, 侏儒怪, 肯德熊, 巴洛古, 暗黑三角龍, 噴火龍, 悔恨的守護隊長, 燈籠鬼
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-handed BW for ATT 10% (雙手棍攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on two-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 黑斧木妖, 海膽
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-handed BW for ATT 100% (雙手棍攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on two-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Two-handed BW for ATT 60% (雙手棍攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on two-handed blunt weapon.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 妖魔, 黑食人花, 木乃伊犬, 虎傑, 書靈, 黑曜石巨人, 咕咕鐘, 殭屍蘑菇王, 巴洛古, 噴火龍, 化石龍長老, 忘卻的守護兵, 藍色蘑菇王, 幽靈漁夫
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-handed Sword for ATT 10% (雙手劍攻擊卷軸10%)
Improves attack on two-handed sword.
Success rate: 10%, weapon attack +5, STR +3, weapon def. +1
掉落怪物: 藍菇菇, 哭泣的藍菇菇, 樹妖王, 積木泥人王, 紅花蛇, 獅鷲獸, 電子機器人, 標示牌
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Two-handed Sword for ATT 100% (雙手劍攻擊卷軸100%)
Improves attack on two-handed sword.
Success rate: 100%, weapon attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Two-handed Sword for ATT 60% (雙手劍攻擊卷軸60%)
Improves attack on two-handed sword.
Success rate: 60%, weapon attack +2, STR +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 鋼之黑肥肥, 黃獨角獅, 沼澤巨鱷, 殭屍蘑菇王, 特貝爾芬, 喵怪仙人, 巴洛古, 黑吉拉戰車, 惡魔綿羊, 煉獄獵犬, 幽魂女巫, 藍翼龍, 噴火龍, 忘卻的祭司, 藍色蘑菇王
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Wand for Magic ATT 10% (短杖魔力卷軸10%)
Improves magic on wand.
Success rate: 10%, magic attack +5, INT +3, magic def. +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 妖魔, 殭屍猴王, 九尾妖狐, 雪毛怪人
取得方式: Berzerker Challenge, Gachapon (REG)
Scroll for Wand for Magic ATT 100% (短杖魔力卷軸100%)
Improves magic on wand.
Success rate: 100%, magic attack +1
掉落怪物: -
Scroll for Wand for Magic ATT 60% (短杖魔力卷軸60%)
Improves magic on wand.
Success rate: 60%, magic attack +2, INT +1
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 幼藍獨角獅, 三尾狐, 功夫熊, 黑色小雪球, 骷髏士兵, 咕咕鐘, 小丑柏非, 蟠猴, 魔龍, 殭屍蘑菇王, 狼人, 邪惡侏儒怪, 巴洛古, 寒冰半人馬, 噴火龍, 忘卻的守護隊長, 艾利傑, 雪毛怪人, 萊伊卡, 藍色蘑菇王, 巫毒娃娃, 邪術娃娃, 身份不明的外星人, 幽靈清潔工
取得方式: Gachapon (REG)
Sea Dust (深海灰塵)
A small dust that floats around the sea.
掉落怪物: 骨骸魚
備註: 不可交易
Sea Horse Horn (海馬的角)
A round horn from the head of Cico.
掉落怪物: 黃金海馬
Sea Horse Tail (海馬的尾巴)
A rolled-up tail from Seacle.
掉落怪物: 綠海馬
Seacle's DNA Sample (綠海馬細胞樣本)
A slide that contains the DNA sample of Seacle.
掉落怪物: 綠海馬
備註: 不可交易
Seal Meat (海豹肉)
Seal meat is as nutritious a food as it gets.
掉落怪物: 長牙海豹, 短牙海豹
Seal Skin (海豹皮革)
A seal skin made with processed Freezer skins.
掉落怪物: 短牙海豹
Seal Tooth (海豹尖牙)
A long tooth removed from Sparker; looks very strong and powerful.
掉落怪物: 長牙海豹
Sealed Bottle (封印甕)
A pot that is a source of power that sealed up the phantom watch.
掉落怪物: 幽魂女巫
Sealed Teddy Bear (封印發條熊)
A sealed-up Teddy bear that's been controlled by Death Teddy.
掉落怪物: 怨靈發條熊
Sealed-up Grandpa Clock (封印鐘心)
Sealed up the center of the clock with a charm .
掉落怪物: 冥鐘
Seedling (苗木)
A branch from Ghost Stump.
掉落怪物: 發芽木妖, 樹妖王
Sentinel Shellpiece (石球的石塊)
A hard shellpiece from Sentinel.
掉落怪物: 石球
Shark Denture (鯊魚假牙)
A sharp shark denture.
掉落怪物: 鯊魚
Shiny Bullet (高爆彈)
A bullet made out of steel. A set contains numerous bullets and once they are used up, they'll need to be recharged.
Attack +18
掉落怪物: 時間之眼, 回憶的神官, 回憶守護兵, 紳士熊
Shrimp Meat (蝦肉)
A delicious shrimp from Krip.
掉落怪物: 活跳蝦, 火蚌殼
Silk Feather (絲綢羽毛)
A large, silk-like feather. Can be used in pillows and beds for added comfort.
掉落怪物: 幼黃獨角獅
備註: 不可交易
Silver Ore (銀的母礦)
The ore of a shiny silver
掉落怪物: 綠菇菇, 發芽木妖, 紅寶, 火獨眼獸, 泡泡魚, 玩具鴨, 猴子, 月光精靈, 藍色機器人, 葛雷族人, 骷髏犬, 毒河豚, 月妙, 青花蛇, 紅花蛇, 青龍, 黑企鵝王, 冰龍, 黑格里芬, 地獄獵犬, 變種侏儒怪, 藍色鬼怪, 九尾妖狐, 致命烏賊怪, 藍翼龍, 達納托斯, 悔恨的祭司, 悔恨的守護兵, 雪毛怪人, 暴走族組長, 女忍, 殺人虎頭蜂, 殺人虎頭蜂, 狂暴者, 歐里歐里
Skeledog's Bone (骷髏犬骨頭)
A bone that fell out of Skeledog.
掉落怪物: 骷髏犬
Skull Shoulder Pad (骷髏肩護帶)
A shoulder pad from Dark Cornian. Composed entirely out of a skull, which instills fear in anyone taking a look at it.
掉落怪物: 雙刀龍戰士
Slate (石板)
A slate that Stone Mask wears.
掉落怪物: 石面怪人
Slime Bubble (綠水靈珠)
A bubble removed from the slime
掉落怪物: 綠水靈
Slippery Oil (潤滑油)
A container full of slippery oil.
掉落怪物: 黃金海馬
備註: 不可交易
Slygie Tail (史萊奇的尾巴)
A tail removed from a Slygie.
掉落怪物: 史萊奇
Small Clue (小小線索)
A cloth from a robe found from Tri-Tailed Foxes. This may explain Chil Nam's bizarre behavior.
掉落怪物: 三尾狐
備註: 不可交易
Small Egg (鳥蛋)
Small egg, which is easily breakable
掉落怪物: 特威德
Small Flaming Feather (小火花羽毛)
A soft, flaming-like feather that fell from Blood Harp.
掉落怪物: 血腥哈維
Small Poop (小陀糞便)
A tiny stinky poop, relatively small sized.
掉落怪物: 紅色泳圈
Small Spaceship (小型宇宙船)
Small-sized spaceship. There seems to be a special way of making this work
掉落怪物: 葛雷士兵, 葛雷金剛
Smiley Mask (微笑面具)
A mask made from a smiley face.
掉落怪物: 回憶的祭司, 回憶的神官
Smore (巧克力夾心派)
A tasty, hot smore. Perfect for a toasty Halloween night! [Restores 25% HP/MP and gives a boost of +10 to Avoidability, Jump and Speed for 10 minutes.]
掉落怪物: 貪吃鬼
Snail Shell (綠寶殼)
Shell removed from a snail
掉落怪物: 嫩寶, 紅寶王
Snake Leather (蛇皮革)
A high-quality snake leather with snake patterns clearly featured on it.
掉落怪物: 青花蛇, 紅花蛇
Sniper Pill (命中藥丸)
A pill of concentrated sniper potion. Accuracy +10 for 10 minutes
掉落怪物: 發條貓熊, 特威德, 紅色機器人, 葛雷元老, 特貝爾芬, 黑道師爺, 火焰象, 電子機器人, 維京熊
Sniper Potion (命中藥水)
Increases accuracy.
Accuracy +5 for 5 min.
掉落怪物: 黃金海馬, 發條楓葉鼠, 風獨眼獸, 粉紅小海豹, 怨靈發條熊, 雪女
Snorkle (潛水鏡組)
Used by Scuba Pepe to breathe while swimming.
掉落怪物: 潛水企鵝王
Snow Crystal (雪花)
A snow crystal that's ready to melt any minute.
掉落怪物: 利堤
備註: 不可交易
Snowball (雪球)
A well-packed snowball. Once they run out, they need to be recharged.
Level Limit : 10, Attack +17
掉落怪物: 鼬鼠, 猴子, 雪毛怪人
Soft Feather (柔軟的羽毛)
A soft and light feather. Used to make arrows.
掉落怪物: 玩具鴨, 特威德, 小雪球, 日光精靈, 紅獨角獅, 黃獨角獅, 藍獨角獅, 功夫熊, 梅花鹿, 白狼, 柔道貓熊, 鱷魚克洛克, 蟠猴, 喵仙, 雪吉拉, 變形雪吉拉, 孤單雪吉拉, 雪吉拉戰車, 喵怪仙人, 白狼人, 煉獄獵犬, 獅鷲獸, 娃娃獅
Soft White Bun (紅豆饅頭)
Freshly baked bread, hot from the oven! Makes you warm inside and prevents HP loss for 30 minutes in the El Nath region.
掉落怪物: 雪毛怪人
Soiled Rags (被弄髒的抹布)
The Elder Wraiths are spirits of Crimsonwood Keep heroes who fell in battle but were never buried. These are the burnt ashes of their remains (ashes of the dead) and should basically look like a pile of grey dust.
掉落怪物: 長老幽靈
Solid Horn (獨角獅硬角)
A horn that can be obtained from Jr. Cellion, Jr. Lioner, and Jr. Grupin.
掉落怪物: 幼紅獨角獅, 幼黃獨角獅, 幼藍獨角獅, 艾利傑
Somebody's Tire (某人的輪胎)
A tire that Oly Oly stole from someone.
掉落怪物: 歐里歐里
Sorcerer Elixir (巫術藥水)
A rare potion perfect for Magicians. Recovers 1500 MP.
掉落怪物: 死靈騎士
Soul Collector (靈魂蒐集器)
Ghosthunter Bob uses this to collect souls. There must be something incredible inside, since it has DANGER written on it.
掉落怪物: 維京
備註: 不可交易
Soul Contract (靈魂的合約書)
A contract that allows the black soul it to obtain the ability to bless by eliminating the black soul's sealed-up hidden force.
掉落怪物: 通道守門人
備註: 不可交易
Soul Lantern (靈魂燈籠)
A mysterious lantern that glows in dark. It is believed that this lantern will produce an incredible power if it is used correctly.
掉落怪物: 拉塔尼卡船長
Space Food (宇宙糧食)
Food from the Space. You are not supposed to eat this.
掉落怪物: 葛雷族人, 葛雷金剛
Sparker's DNA Sample (長牙海豹細胞樣本)
A slide that contains the DNA sample of Sparker.
掉落怪物: 長牙海豹
備註: 不可交易
A useful component for many electronic devices, especially cybernetic protectors.
掉落怪物: 殺人虎頭蜂
Special Battery (特殊乾電池)
A special battery used to move Master Robo.
掉落怪物: 紅色機器人
備註: 不可交易
Speed Limit Sign (速限標誌)
A piece of metal indicating speed limitation warning.
掉落怪物: 限速牌
Speed Pill (速度藥丸)
A pill of concentrated speed potion. Increased speed for 10 minutes
掉落怪物: 黑色發條鼠, 進化妖魔, 妖魔隊長, 機器人堤安, 椰樹怪
Speed Potion (速度藥水)
Increases speed.
Speed +8 for 3 min.
掉落怪物: 火獨眼獸, 黃金海馬, 青龍, 沼澤巨鱷, 烏賊怪, 幽魂女巫, 達納托斯, 殺人虎頭蜂, 堤豐寶寶
Spiderweb (蜘蛛網)
A small spiderweb that's been intricately made. Sticks onto anything.
掉落怪物: 黃蜘蛛
Spirit Viking Flags (維京旗幟)
The flag that the Spirit Vikings carry with them everywhere. They say that without this flag, they are not acknowledged as a Spirit Viking.
掉落怪物: 維京
備註: 不可交易
Spirit Viking Token (維京的象徵)
A token of proof that one is a member of the Vikings. The Gigantic Spirit Vikings take this token with them wherever they go.
掉落怪物: 巨人維京
備註: 不可交易
Split Bullet (子彈)
A bullet made out of steel. A set contains numerous bullets and once they are used up, they'll need to be recharged.
Attack +12
掉落怪物: 黑肥肥, 嚇壞的野豬, 粉紅發條熊, 潛水企鵝王, 風獨眼獸, 木馬士兵, 馬堤安, 松鼠, 木馬士兵, 標示牌, 艾摩水靈
Spy Camera (間諜相機)
A spy camera used by the aliens.
掉落怪物: 身份不明的外星人
Squishy Liquid (綠液球)
Very thick and sticky liquid
掉落怪物: 綠水靈
Staff of First Magic (第一魔術師長杖)
A symbolic weapon of mastery. Although it can't be equipped, its power is palpable.
掉落怪物: 火印行者
Star Pixie's Starpiece (星光精靈的碎片)
A piece of star dropped by Star Pixie. It glows beautifully.
掉落怪物: 星光精靈
State-held Rice (政府米)
A sack full of state-held rice. These sacks feature stamps of approval from the government.
掉落怪物: 發條楓葉鼠
備註: 不可交易
Steel Arrow for Bow (鋼鐵弓箭)
A barrel full of steel arrows. Only usable with bows.
STR +1, Attack +1
掉落怪物: 中忍
Steel Arrow for Crossbow (鋼鐵弩箭)
A barrel full of steel arrows. Only usable with crossbows.
Attack +2
掉落怪物: 女忍
Steel Hoe (鋼鐵鋤)
A rock-solid hoe that is used for farming. Since the blade is made out of steel, it should last a while.
掉落怪物: 變身小鬼怪
備註: 不可交易
Steel Ore (鋼鐵母礦)
The ore of a tough steel
掉落怪物: 藍寶, 黑木妖, 黑斧木妖, 紅蜘蛛, 綠海馬, 石面怪人, 蝙蝠, 褐色發條熊, 白色發條鼠, 火肥肥, 幼藍獨角獅, 蒙面河豚, 星光精靈, 幼魔精靈, 藍色戰鬥機, 妖魔, 邱布, 兔子鼓手, 粉紅小海豹, 冰獨眼獸, 大幽靈, 小獵犬, 積木泥人, 葛雷族人, 鋼之黑肥肥, 松鼠, 豪豬, 蔘罈壺, 火精靈, 虎傑, 藍獨角獅, 深山人蔘, 野狼, 礦山殭屍, 利堤, 企鵝王, 小丑柏非, 變身小鬼怪, 刺鰭魚, 雪吉拉戰車, 大副凱丁, 黃色鬼怪, 萊西, 侏儒怪, 肯德熊, 白狼人, 黑吉拉戰車, 火焰半人馬, 冥鐘, 暗黑三角龍, 維京, 怨靈女巫, 雙刀龍戰士, 赤翼龍, 通道守門人, 化石龍, 回憶的祭司, 回憶守護隊長, 雲狐, 街頭混混, 城市紫菇菇, 機械蜘蛛, 黃色炸彈球, 限速牌, 紅色泳圈, 蒙特雷瑟, 艾摩水靈, 飛行獅
Steely Throwing-Knives (雷之鏢)
A throwing-star made out of steel. Once they run out, they need to be recharged.
Level Limit : 10, Attack +25
掉落怪物: 赤龍, 柔道貓熊, 金屬甲蟲, 月牙牛魔王, 雪吉拉戰車, 黑暗萊西, 多立百烈, 九尾妖狐, 哈維, 血腥哈維, 黑暗冥鐘, 遊魂, 黑道老大, 獅鷲獸, 搗蛋小妖精, 搗蛋小妖精, 幽靈船夫, 維京熊
Sticky Spiderweb (黏稠的蜘蛛網)
A very adhesive spiderweb. Much more sticky than the regular spiderweb.
掉落怪物: 紅蜘蛛
Stiff Feather (堅硬的羽毛)
A feather that's stiff and rough. Used to make arrows.
掉落怪物: 緞帶肥肥, 奇怪的豬, 黑肥肥, 嚇壞的野豬, 蝙蝠, 幼紅獨角獅, 幼黃獨角獅, 幼藍獨角獅, 玩具鴨, 猴子, 星光精靈, 邱布, 天使猴, 月光精靈, 獨眼蝙蝠, 小獵犬, 長牙海豹, 野狼, 黑色小雪球, 黑吉拉, 變形黑吉拉, 孤單黑吉拉, 黑吉拉戰車
Stirge Wing (蝙蝠翅膀)
A wing cut out of Stirge.
掉落怪物: 蝙蝠
Stone Golem Rubble (石塊)
A mystic rubble that was a part of Stone Golem.
掉落怪物: 石巨人
Stop Sign (停止標誌)
A piece of metal written with a stop word. Dropped by Stopnow.
掉落怪物: 標示牌
Stormbreaker Badge (守衛勳章)
An emblem that marks one as a member of the Stormbreakers.
掉落怪物: 守衛
備註: 不可交易
Strange Egg (奇異卵)
A strange-looking egg that rode on top of Brexton.
掉落怪物: 進化迅猛龍
Straw Doll (稻草娃娃)
A yellow doll stuffed with straw.
掉落怪物: 訓練用稻草人
Straw Sandals (槍武士的草鞋)
A warm pair of straw sandals worn by Ashigaru.
掉落怪物: 槍武士
Stretchy Material (拉伸材料)
A piece of highly stretchy, elastic cloth.
掉落怪物: 貪吃鬼, 牽線人偶, 貪吃鬼
Stump's Teardrop (木妖的眼淚)
Very rarely found on Dark Axe Stump's. A hardened liquid from Stump.
掉落怪物: 黑斧木妖
備註: 不可交易
Sturdy Leather (堅實皮革)
Sturdy leather belonging to a Blue Dragon Turtle.
掉落怪物: 藍色雙角龍
備註: 不可交易
Subi Throwing-Stars (海星鏢)
A throwing-star made out of steel. Once they run out, they need to be recharged.
Level Limit : 10, Attack +15
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 黃蜘蛛, 綠海馬, 小石球
Subordinate D Fingernail (彩繪指甲)
Looks like a fingernail of a Subordinate D.
掉落怪物: 古惑女
Sunflower Seed (向日葵子)
A sunflower seed that Ratz enjoys. Has a long black stripe on it.
掉落怪物: 發條楓葉鼠
Sunrise Dew (清晨之露)
Dew collected early morning. Recovers 4000 MP
掉落怪物: 紅寶王, 冥鐘, 死靈騎士, 黑色迫炮
Sunset Dew (黃昏之露)
Dew collected late in the afternoon. Recovers 5000 MP.
掉落怪物: 怨靈發條熊, 刺鰭魚, 骨骸魚, 烏賊怪, 幽魂女巫, 短刃龍戰士, 回憶守護隊長, 拉塔尼卡船長
Sushi (Salmon) (壽司(鮪魚))
Sushi made out of fresh fish near Victoria Island.
Recovers 500 HP.
掉落怪物: 雲狐, 槍武士
Swallow's Lost Seed (燕子所遺失的葫蘆種子)
A seed that Swallow, who is very prone to losing things, lost in the middle of the mountain.
掉落怪物: 月妙
備註: 不可交易
Sweat Bead (汗珠)
A bead of sweat that contains enormous strength.
掉落怪物: 狂暴者