物品 (R)

Raccoon Firewood (貍貓柴薪)
Raccoon's firewood.
掉落怪物: 貍貓
Rafflesia (大王花)
A huge flower that emits an awful stench.
掉落怪物: 杜庫
Ragged Wristband (老舊手鐲)
A wristband so ragged that it cannot be worn anymore.
掉落怪物: 格瑞芬多
備註: 不可交易
Rainbow-colored Snail Shell (彩虹蝸牛殼)
A special shell only found through Mano. Apparently it's powerful enough to grant a wish...
掉落怪物: 紅寶王
Rash's Furball (萊西毛球)
A ball of hair that fell off from Rash.
掉落怪物: 萊西
Rat Trap (捕鼠器)
Some one must have set up this rat trap. Make sure it doesn't go off.
掉落怪物: 白色發條鼠
Rebab (雷貝琴)
Traditional musical instrument of Malaysia.
掉落怪物: 艾摩水靈
Receiving Apparatus (接收機)
Apparatus, which enables you to receive informations from the space. There seems to be a special way of making this work
掉落怪物: 葛雷隊長, 葛雷金剛
Recycle Water Bottle (可回收水瓶)
An empty unwanted bottle dropped by Biner.
掉落怪物: 變身垃圾桶
Red Arrow for Bow (炎晶弓箭)
A case full of arrows. Can only be used with a bow.
Attack +4.
掉落怪物: 不良少年, 嫩寶, 地獄巴洛古
Red Ball of Yarn (紅色毛線球)
A red ball of yarn that Fanzy the mysterious cat lost.
掉落怪物: 綠水靈
備註: 不可交易
Red Belt (紅色腰帶)
A long red belt that the Panda wears around its waist.
掉落怪物: 柔道貓熊, 肯德熊
Red Cloth (紅色衣角)
A piece of clothing from the Oblivion Monk.
掉落怪物: 忘卻的祭司
Red Cone Hat (紅色尖帽)
Hat worn by the Oblivion Monk Trainee.
掉落怪物: 忘卻的神官
Red Essence (紅色精油)
This Red Essence is extracted from Mr. Anchor. It contains mysterious power.
掉落怪物: 幽靈船員
Red Gummy Slime (紅色口香糖)
Super-chewy gummy slimes. This one is cherry-flavored. If only real Slimes tasted this good. [Restore 1200HP, 1200MP]
掉落怪物: 貪吃鬼
Red Heart (紅色心臟)
Heart of the Chief Oblivion Guardian.
掉落怪物: 忘卻的守護隊長
Red Helmet (紅色頭盔)
It's a helmet that an Oblivion Guardian was wearing.
掉落怪物: 忘卻的守護兵
Red Potion (紅色藥水)
A potion made out of red herbs.
Recovers 50 HP.
掉落怪物: 嫩寶, 藍寶, 綠菇菇, 黑木妖, 三眼章魚, 斧木妖, 發芽木妖, 菇菇仔, 肥肥, 緞帶肥肥, 菇菇寶貝, 藍水靈, 奇怪的豬, 木妖, 紅寶, 綠水靈, 紅寶王, 燈籠鬼, 變身垃圾桶
Red Shell (有毒的背殼)
A red shell from the Red Dragon Turtle. Features an intimidating set of spikes on the shell.
掉落怪物: 暗黑三角龍
Red Snail Shell (紅寶殼)
A shell removed from a snail.
掉落怪物: 紅寶, 紅寶王
Reindeer Milk (馴鹿奶)
Fresh milk squeezed out of a reindeer.
Recovers 5000 HP.
掉落怪物: 骨骸魚, 烏賊怪, 鯊魚, 尖鼻鯊魚, 雙刀龍戰士, 黑翼龍, 幼年龍, 悔恨的祭司, 寒霜冰龍, 多多, 利里諾斯, 萊伊卡, 拉塔尼卡船長
Rexton Leather (金色皮革)
A piece of skin that protects Rexton from bodily harm.
掉落怪物: 獨角迅猛龍
Rib (肋骨)
A rib from Skeleton Soldier.
掉落怪物: 骷髏士兵
Ripped Travel Ticket 1 (破損的旅遊券之一)
An unknown travel ticket ripped in half.
掉落怪物: 馬堤安
備註: 不可交易
Rodeo's Master (黑暗獵犬主人)
Master of a Rodeo
掉落怪物: 黑色獵犬
Rombot's Memory Card (泥人領導者的記憶卡)
A memory card that contains the program that controls Rombot.
掉落怪物: 泥人領導者