物品 (J)

Jack O'Lantern (傑克的燈籠)
This is the head of the Headless Horseman.
掉落怪物: 死靈騎士
備註: 不可交易
Jonin Throwing Star (上忍的大型手裡劍)
A giant throwing star only used by Jonin.
掉落怪物: 上忍
Jr. Boogie Horn (幼魔精靈的角)
A horn removed from Jr. Boogie. Small, dense, and hard to break.
掉落怪物: 幼魔精靈
Jr. Cerebes Tooth (小獵犬的尖牙)
A tooth removed from Jr. Cerebes. Very small and dense, it also looks very hard to break.
掉落怪物: 小獵犬
Jr. Necki Skin (蛇皮)
A piece of skin from the Jr. Necki.
掉落怪物: 青蛇
Jr. Pepe's Fish (小企鵝王的魚)
A snackery of Jr. Pepe : a live, fresh fish.
掉落怪物: 小企鵝王
Jr. Sentinel Shellpiece (小石球的石塊)
A hard shellpiece that's a part of Jr. Sentinel.
掉落怪物: 小石球
Jr. Yeti Skin (雪吉拉之皮)
A skin cut out of Jr. Yeti. Very soft and full of white fur.
掉落怪物: 小雪球, 雪毛怪人
Jumper Cable (跳線)
A pair of jumper cables. Anyone need a start?
掉落怪物: 機械蜘蛛