物品 (G)

Garnet Ore (石榴石母礦)
The ore of a red jewel.
掉落怪物: 嫩寶, 黑木妖, 紅寶王, 蝙蝠, 褐色發條熊, 火肥肥, 幼紅獨角獅, 鼬鼠, 潛水企鵝王, 紅螃蟹, 蒙面河豚, 星光精靈, 幼魔精靈, 泥人領導者, 大幽靈, 妖魔隊長, 罈壺, 蔘罈壺, 火精靈, 紅獨角獅, 白狼, 火石球, 黑企鵝王, 大副凱丁, 藍色鬼怪, 萊西, 火焰半人馬, 赤翼龍, 時間之眼, 忘卻的神官, 忘卻的守護隊長, 不良少年, 槍武士, 異型滅火器, 限速牌, 紅色泳圈, 維壯, 騎士熊
Gatekeeper Armband (通道守門人臂章)
An armband from the Gatekeeper.
掉落怪物: 通道守門人
Genin Doll (下忍的替身)
A wooden Genin doll.
掉落怪物: 下忍
Ghost Pirate Key (百烈舵輪)
A key stuck on the boat that Pirate was riding on.
掉落怪物: 百烈
Gigantic Viking Hat (巨人維京帽)
A huge hat that Gigantic Viking donned.
掉落怪物: 巨人維京
Ginseng Concentrate (人蔘精華液)
A ginseng concentrate. Recovers both HP and MP by 400.
掉落怪物: -
Ginseng-Boiled Water (人蔘水)
A hot pot that contains water that's been boiling with ginseng for a long time.
掉落怪物: 蔘罈壺
Glass Shoes (晚會專用玻璃鞋)
A beautiful, sparkling glass shoes apparently made by the fairies.
掉落怪物: 鱷魚
備註: 不可交易
Goblin Bat (鬼怪棍棒)
A wooden bat with lots of horns attached to its surface. Goblins carry these around all the time. Legend has it that this bat will make all the wishes come true.
掉落怪物: 藍色鬼怪
備註: 不可交易
Goblin Cap (鬼怪的帽子)
A black cap worn by the Goblin when pulling pranks on someone. Legend has it that when this cap is worn, the person will become invisible.
掉落怪物: 黃色鬼怪
備註: 不可交易
Goblin Cape (鬼怪披風)
A cape made out of tiger skin. Very furry and warm, legend has it that anyone that dons this cape will become courageous.
掉落怪物: 綠色鬼怪
備註: 不可交易
Gold Ore (黃金母礦)
The ore of gold, a very rare mineral
掉落怪物: 肥肥, 藍菇菇, 哭泣的藍菇菇, 花鯰魚, 機器章魚, 妖魔, 冰獨眼獸, 短牙海豹, 松鼠, 葛雷元老, 日光精靈, 機器人堤安, 訓練用木頭人, 梅花鹿, 書靈, 青龍, 混種石巨人, 巫婆, 鱷魚克洛克, 魔龍, 小丑瑞奇, 幽魂發條熊隊長, 冰龍, 貝爾芬, 黑吉拉, 變形黑吉拉, 孤單黑吉拉, 特貝爾芬, 月牙牛魔王, 怨靈發條熊隊長, 綠色鬼怪, 血腥哈維, 邪惡綿羊, 烏賊怪, 回憶守護兵, 艾利傑, 貍貓, 黑道大姐頭, 黑道老大, 上忍, 城市紫菇菇, 搗蛋小妖精, 搗蛋小妖精, 標示牌, 藍色泳圈, 幽靈清潔工, 幽靈船員, 史萊奇, 石化戰士, 騎士熊
Grape Juice (葡萄汁)
Used real grapes for this. Recovers 900 MP.
掉落怪物: 遊魂
Gray Tentacle (葛雷的觸角)
A tentacle from Gray's head. Apparently Grays use this tentacle to communicate, instead of their mouths.
掉落怪物: 葛雷族人, 葛雷士兵, 葛雷隊長, 葛雷元老
備註: 不可交易
Green Apple. (青蘋果)
Sour and crunchy green apple.
Recovers MP +30.
掉落怪物: 嫩寶, 藍寶, 菇菇仔, 肥肥, 木妖, 紅寶, 綠水靈, 紅寶王
Green Cloth (綠色衣角)
A piece of clothing from the Memory Monk.
掉落怪物: 回憶的祭司
Green Cone Hat (綠色尖帽)
Hat worn by the Memory Monk Trainee
掉落怪物: 回憶的神官
Green Essence (綠色精油)
This Green Essence is extracted from Slimy. It contains a mysterious power.
掉落怪物: 幽靈清潔工
Green Gummy Slime (綠色口香糖)
Super-chewy gummy slimes. This one is lime-flavored. If only real Slimes tasted this good. [Restores 600 HP]
掉落怪物: 貪吃鬼
Green Heart (綠色心臟)
Heart of the Chief Memory Guardian
掉落怪物: 回憶守護隊長
Green Helmet (綠色頭盔)
Helmet worn by the Memory Guardian
掉落怪物: 回憶守護兵
Green Mushroom Cap (綠菇菇傘)
A cap removed from a mushroom
掉落怪物: 綠菇菇
Griffey Horn (格瑞芬多角)
A horn removed from Griffey. Solid white, but also pretty enough to be used as a material for accessories.
掉落怪物: 格瑞芬多
Griffey Wind ( 格瑞芬多的振翅之風)
A soft breeze created by Griffey's wings.
掉落怪物: 格瑞芬多
備註: 不可交易
Grilled Cheese (烤起司)
A tasty, golden brown, grilled cheese sandwich. Recovers 500 HP & MP and gives a boost of +20 Def for 30 mins.
掉落怪物: 街頭黃水靈
Grupin Tail (藍獨角獅尾)
A tail removed from Grupin. Very soft and ice cold.
掉落怪物: 藍獨角獅
Guardian's Horn (守護獸的角)
Guardian Lyka's horn.
掉落怪物: 萊伊卡