物品 (F)

Fairy's Honey (妖精的蜂蜜)
It's honey, the fairies' favorite.
Avoidability +10 for 5 min.
掉落怪物: 艾利傑, 街頭混混
Fat Sausage (香腸)
Tastes great, and is quite nutritious. Recovers 1200 HP.
掉落怪物: 暴走族組長
Fierry's Tentacle (蝴蝶精的觸角)
A tentacle removed from Fierry. Very small and delicate, so it should be handled with care.
掉落怪物: 蝴蝶精
Fire Boar's Tooth (火肥肥尖牙)
The canine tooth taken off from the Fire Boar
掉落怪物: 火肥肥
Fire Extinguisher (滅火器)
Red Fire extinguisher that Freezer stole from CBD buildings.
掉落怪物: 異型滅火器
Fire Sentinel Shellpiece (火石球的石塊)
A hard shellpiece that's a part of Fire Sentinel
掉落怪物: 火石球
Firebomb Flame (火精靈的火精)
A collection of sparks from Firebomb. Scorching hot, looking to explode any minute.
掉落怪物: 火精靈
Firebrand Badge (火印行者徽章)
An emblem that marks one as a member of the Firebrands.
掉落怪物: 火印行者, 南瓜鬼火
備註: 不可交易
Firewood (木柴)
A high-quality firewood from an Axe-Stump.
掉落怪物: 斧木妖, 黑斧木妖, 樹妖王, 木馬士兵, 木馬士兵, 地獄木馬, 東部幻影樹, 西部幻影樹
Fish Cake (Dish) (黑輪(碟子))
A dish full of tasty Fish Cake.
Recovers MP 500.
掉落怪物: -
Fish Cake (Skewer) (黑輪(竹串))
A Fish Cake skewer which also includes a bunch of vegetables.
Recovers MP 250.
掉落怪物: 烏鴉, 雲狐, 下忍
Flamboyant Petal (華麗的花瓣)
A flower petal from the head of Flowerfish.
掉落怪物: 花鯰魚
Flamboyant Scale Skin (華麗的鱗皮)
A scale skin with flamboyant colors in tact from Krappi.
掉落怪物: 獨角尼莫
Flaming Feather (火焰羽毛)
A flame with the look of a feather. It never stops burning.
掉落怪物: 幼紅獨角獅, 幼黃獨角獅, 赤龍, 幽靈船夫
Flower Fish's DNA Sample (花鯰魚細胞樣本)
A slide that contains the DNA sample of Flower Fish.
掉落怪物: 花鯰魚
備註: 不可交易
Fly-Eye Wing (獨眼蝙蝠之翼)
A wing removed from Fly-Eye. Spiky and very dirty.
掉落怪物: 獨眼蝙蝠
Forbidden Gun (禁忌之槍)
A symbolic weapon of mastery. Although it can't be equipped, its power is palpable.
掉落怪物: 疾風刺客
Free Spirit (自由之靈)
A soul that used to be stuck on the back of Master Soul Teddy. The soul is now set free, and it's smiling.
掉落怪物: 幽魂發條熊隊長
Freezer's DNA Sample (短牙海豹細胞樣本)
A slide that contains the DNA sample of Freezer.
掉落怪物: 短牙海豹
備註: 不可交易
Fried Chicken (炸雞)
Well-fried chicken.
Recovers around 200 HP.
掉落怪物: 流氓
Frowny Mask (哀傷面具)
A mask made from a frowny face.
掉落怪物: 忘卻的祭司, 忘卻的神官
Frozen Shark's Fin (冷凍魚翅)
A frozen, cooked shark's fin from the Cold Shark.
掉落怪物: 尖鼻鯊魚