物品 (C)

Captain's Hat (船長的帽子)
A pirate captain's hat.
掉落怪物: 大副凱丁
Castellan's Stolen Armrest (天皇的扶手)
An armrest that has the word "Kamedeya" stitched on it for some reason.
掉落怪物: 天皇蟾蜍
Cat Doll (貓咪娃娃)
A slouched grey cat doll.
掉落怪物: 喵仙, 喵怪仙人
Cellion Tail (紅獨角獅尾)
A tail removed from Cellion. Very soft and scorching hot.
掉落怪物: 紅獨角獅
Cerebes Tooth (地獄獵犬的尖牙)
A tooth removed from Cerebes. Very long and massive, enough for it to be a threat to someone.
掉落怪物: 地獄獵犬
Chaos Matter (混沌事物)
The dark energy denotes a chaotic element.
掉落怪物: 時間之眼, 回憶的祭司, 回憶的神官, 回憶守護兵, 回憶守護隊長, 悔恨的祭司, 悔恨的神官, 悔恨的守護兵, 悔恨的守護隊長, 忘卻的祭司, 忘卻的神官, 忘卻的守護兵, 忘卻的守護隊長
Chaos Scroll 60% (混沌卷軸60%)
Alters the equipment for better or worse. Not available on Cash Items.
Success rate: 60%
掉落怪物: 青蛇, 殭屍菇菇, 發條貓熊, 兔子鼓手, 土龍, 火蚌殼, 蔘罈壺, 黃獨角獅, 功夫熊, 魔龍, 大副凱丁, 肯德熊, 尖鼻鯊魚, 雙刀龍戰士, 格瑞芬多, 雪毛怪人, 萊伊卡
取得方式: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Charm of the Undead (道符)
A charm taken out of an undead monster.
掉落怪物: 殭屍菇菇
Charmer's Flute (豎笛)
Deadly weapon of Charmer.
掉落怪物: 黑色媚惑
Cheap Battery (便宜的乾電池)
A cheap battery from the inside of a robot. Looks like it still can be used for a little bit.
掉落怪物: 藍色機器人
Chief Gray's Cell (葛雷元老的細胞)
The DNA of an alien. It may contain lots of informatin regarding them.
掉落怪物: 葛雷元老
備註: 不可交易
Chief Gray's Sign (葛雷元老的標誌)
A sign only the Chief Grays have. The mystical power that the Chief Gray's possess seem to originate from it.
掉落怪物: 葛雷元老
Chunin Poison Dart (中忍的毒箭)
A dart with a poisoned tip used primarily by Chunin.
掉落怪物: 中忍
Cico's DNA Sample (黃金海馬細胞樣本)
A slide that contains the DNA sample of Cico.
掉落怪物: 黃金海馬
備註: 不可交易
Clang Claw (青螃蟹鉗)
A huge piece of claw cut out of Clang.
掉落怪物: 青螃蟹, 巨居蟹
Clock Spring (鐘錶發條)
A tiny spring of the clock.
掉落怪物: 鼬鼠, 咕咕鐘
Cloud Foxtail (雲狐尾巴)
Cloud Fox's tail.
掉落怪物: 雲狐
Cloud Piece (魔雲碎片)
A piece of the cloud torn apart from a corner of the Orbis Cloud.
掉落怪物: 星光精靈, 月光精靈, 日光精靈
備註: 不可交易
Coat Hanger (衣架)
A wire coat hanger that can be bent into different shapes, for function or for fun.
掉落怪物: 貪吃鬼, 貪吃鬼
Coconut Husk (椰子殼)
Coconut husk that Chlorotrap had left.
掉落怪物: 椰樹怪
Cog (齒輪)
An important part of a clock.
掉落怪物: 妖魔, 進化妖魔, 妖魔隊長, 咕咕鐘
Cold Eye Tail (冰獨眼獸之尾巴)
A tail removed from a lizard
掉落怪物: 冰獨眼獸
Cold Heart of a Wolf (冰凍的白狼心臟)
A cold, non-beating heart of Lycanthrope.
掉落怪物: 白狼人
備註: 不可交易
Cold Steam (陰森氣息)
A cold steam from the mouth of Cold Eye.
掉落怪物: 冰獨眼獸
備註: 不可交易
Cold Tear (冰冷的淚滴)
Bone Fish's tear, which is made out of ice.
掉落怪物: 骨骸魚
備註: 不可交易
Cornian's Dagger (惡龍的短刀)
A dagger that resembles a tide which was used by Green Cornian. Very sharp around the edges, making it a lethal weapon.
掉落怪物: 短刃龍戰士, 雙刀龍戰士
備註: 不可交易
Cornian's Marrow (龍戰士的精髓)
A solvent that contained the force of Cornian. Emits a mysterious color.
掉落怪物: 短刃龍戰士, 雙刀龍戰士
備註: 不可交易
Cornian's Marrow (龍族戰士的精髓)
A solvent that contained the force of Cornian. Emits a mysterious color.
掉落怪物: 短刃龍戰士, 雙刀龍戰士
備註: 不可交易
Corruption Scroll 10% (覺醒卷軸10%)
Use this on a Corrupted Weapon to improve the item stats.
Success rate: 10%
掉落怪物: -
Cracked Hourglass (有裂痕的沙漏)
Cracked hourglass. It looks broken but it still functions.
掉落怪物: 時間之眼
Cracked Shell (裂開的背殼)
A grey shell from the Blue Dragon Turtle. It has a little bit of crack on it, but it's still rock-solid and heavy.
掉落怪物: 藍色雙角龍
Crimson Heart (緋紅心)
A dark red crystal that pulses with unknown energy, used to power the Crimson Guardians.
掉落怪物: 黃金武士
Crimson Wood (緋紅木)
Resilient wood from the Crimson Tree.
掉落怪物: 東部紅色數, 西部紅色樹
Croco Skin (黑鱷魚皮)
A very solid and tough piece of skin from Croco.
掉落怪物: 黑鱷魚, 沼澤巨鱷
Crow Feather (烏鴉的羽毛)
The feather of a crow.
掉落怪物: 烏鴉
Crystal Ilbi Throwing-Stars (水晶鏢)
A throwing-star made of crystal. Once they run out, they need to be recharged.
Attack +29
掉落怪物: -
取得方式: Gachapon (REG), Gachapon (VIP)
Cucumber (河童的小黃瓜)
A delicious looking cucumber that Hadong Dropped.
掉落怪物: 河童
Curse Eye Tail (風獨眼獸之尾巴)
A tail removed from a lizard
掉落怪物: 風獨眼獸
Curse Powder (詛咒粉)
A sparkling powder that fell from Rash. Be careful, because this powder is packed with a potent curse.
掉落怪物: 黑暗萊西
Cursed Doll (詛咒娃娃)
A cursed doll possessed by the Zombie Lupin's.
掉落怪物: 天使猴, 殭屍猴王
Cursing Nail (詛咒針)
A nail used for curse. Make a voodoo doll, press this nail against it, and the curse is on!
掉落怪物: 巫婆
備註: 不可交易