物品 (B)

Bain's Spiky Collar (煉獄獵犬的項鍊)
A collar stolen from Bain. Spiked in everywhich way, enough for it to be a threat to someone.
掉落怪物: 煉獄獵犬
Barbarian Elixir (混合藥水)
A volatile potion mixed on the battlefield. Recovers 1500 HP.
掉落怪物: 死靈騎士
Barnard Gray's Cell (葛雷族人的細胞)
The DNA of an alien. It may contain lots of informatin regarding them.
掉落怪物: 葛雷族人
備註: 不可交易
Batteries (車用電池)
Car batteries that dropped from Trucker. It seems like it has ran out of power.
掉落怪物: 藍色大貨車
Bear Foot (熊掌)
A huge, thick bear foot.
掉落怪物: 功夫熊, 柔道貓熊, 肯德熊
Beetle's Horn (橡木甲蟲角)
A horn removed from Beetle's head. Very solid and sharp.
掉落怪物: 橡木甲蟲
Bellflower Concentrate (深山人蔘精華液)
A Bellflower concentrate. Recovers both HP and MP by 200.
掉落怪物: -
Bellflower (深山人蔘)
A commonly-found root of a bellflower.
掉落怪物: 深山人蔘
Big Boss Flashlight (黑道長老的燈籠)
Maybe the Big Boss uses it as a secret weapon...
掉落怪物: 黑道長老
Big Poop (大陀糞便)
An enormous poop. It is extremely smelly.
掉落怪物: 藍色泳圈
Bigfoot's Toe (大腳怪的腳趾)
The big toe of Bigfoot. Even though it has a pretty ribbon tied around it, it still looks kinda gross.
掉落怪物: 大腳
備註: 不可交易
Binding Bridle (束縛枷鎖)
The bridle that bound Master Death Teddy's hand and the Teddys.
掉落怪物: 怨靈發條熊隊長
Birk's Chewed Grass (邪惡綿羊嚼過的草)
A batch of grass Birk likes to chew on a regular basis. Should not be chewn by anyone else.
掉落怪物: 邪惡綿羊
Black Armor Fragment (黑色盔甲碎塊)
A piece of the armor that was covering the guardian's shoulder.
掉落怪物: 回憶守護兵, 回憶守護隊長, 悔恨的守護兵, 悔恨的守護隊長, 忘卻的守護兵, 忘卻的守護隊長
Black Crystal Ore (黑水晶母礦)
An ore of a crystal that has dark powers stored in it
掉落怪物: 邱布, 特威德, 土龍, 積木泥人王, 長牙海豹, 鋼之黑肥肥, 黑豪豬, 葛雷元老, 書靈, 石巨人, 黑曜石巨人, 巫婆, 企鵝王, 小丑柏非, 變身小鬼怪, 魔龍, 小丑瑞奇, 黑龍, 怨靈發條熊, 刺鰭魚, 長槍牛魔王, 雪吉拉戰車, 多立百烈, 喵怪仙人, 白狼人, 邪惡綿羊, 獨角迅猛龍, 進化迅猛龍, 維京, 巨人維京, 達納托斯, 回憶守護隊長, 艾利傑, 扛霸子, 機械蜘蛛, 暗影武士, 幽靈漁夫, 幽靈清潔工, 史萊奇, 黑色媚惑
Black Essence (黑色精油)
The black soul from Capt. Latanica. It seems extremely powerful.
掉落怪物: 拉塔尼卡船長
Black Magician's Token (黑魔法師的象徵)
A token of proof that one is a follower of the Black Magician.
掉落怪物: 肥肥, 紅寶
備註: 不可交易
Black Soul of Dark Cornian (雙刀龍戰士的闇黑靈魂)
A black, tainted soul that seemed to hover around Dark Comian.
掉落怪物: 雙刀龍戰士
備註: 不可交易, 持有專屬
Black Soul of Dark Rash (黑暗萊西的闇黑靈魂)
A black, tainted soul that seemed to hover around Dark Rash.
掉落怪物: 黑暗萊西
備註: 不可交易, 持有專屬
Black Soul of Dark Wyvern (黑翼龍的闇黑靈魂)
A black, tainted soul that seemed to hover around Dark Wyvern.
掉落怪物: 黑翼龍
備註: 不可交易, 持有專屬
Black Soul of Dual Birk (惡魔綿羊的闇黑靈魂)
A black, tainted soul that seemed to hover around Dual Birk.
掉落怪物: 惡魔綿羊
備註: 不可交易, 持有專屬
Blackbull's deed to the land (酋長的地契)
A lost deed to the land for "Blackbull" of Perion.
掉落怪物: 風獨眼獸
Bloctopus Key Chain (章魚鑰匙環)
A small, octopus-shaped key chain made out of plastic.
掉落怪物: 機器章魚
Blood Harp's Crown (血腥哈維的王冠)
A small crown worn by Blood Harp. Very soft and comfortable.
掉落怪物: 血腥哈維
Blue Cloth (藍色衣角)
A piece of clothing from the Qualm Monk
掉落怪物: 悔恨的祭司
Blue Cone Hat (藍色尖帽)
Hat worn by the Qualm Monk Trainee.
掉落怪物: 悔恨的神官
Blue Essence (藍色精油)
This Blue Essence is extracted from Selkie Jr. It contains a mysterious power.
掉落怪物: 幽靈船夫
Blue Heart (藍色心臟)
Heart of the Chief Qualm Guardian
掉落怪物: 悔恨的守護隊長
Blue Helmet (藍色頭盔)
Helmet worn by the Qualm Guardian
掉落怪物: 悔恨的守護兵
Blue Mushroom Cap (藍菇菇傘)
A cap removed from a mushroom
掉落怪物: 藍菇菇, 哭泣的藍菇菇
Blue Pill (藍色藥丸)
A pill of concentrated blue potion, which restores 100 MP. You can carry more pills than potions because they're smaller
掉落怪物: 艾摩水靈
Blue Potion (藍色藥水)
A potion made out of blue herbs.
Recovers 100 MP.
掉落怪物: 綠菇菇, 黑木妖, 三眼章魚, 斧木妖, 發芽木妖, 藍水靈, 刺菇菇, 黑斧木妖, 藍菇菇, 哭泣的藍菇菇, 火獨眼獸, 殭屍菇菇, 黑肥肥, 黃蜘蛛, 紅蜘蛛, 綠海馬, 黃金海馬, 獨角尼莫, 海膽, 泡泡魚, 木面怪人, 石面怪人, 嚇壞的野豬, 花鯰魚, 蝙蝠, 石球, 蝴蝶精, 褐色發條熊, 活跳蝦, 鱷魚, 粉紅發條熊, 白色發條鼠, 火肥肥, 幼紅獨角獅, 幼黃獨角獅, 幼藍獨角獅, 發條貓熊, 玩具鴨, 黑色發條鼠, 黃色戰鬥機, 鼬鼠, 發條楓葉鼠, 潛水企鵝王, 猴子, 樹妖王, 風獨眼獸, 紅螃蟹, 機器章魚王, 星光精靈, 幼魔精靈, 機器章魚, 粉紅色戰鬥機, 藍色戰鬥機, 木馬士兵, 妖魔, 邱布, 特威德, 兔子鼓手, 粉紅小海豹, 土龍, 烏龜, 黑食人花, 火蚌殼, 冰獨眼獸, 天使猴, 大幽靈, 鋼之肥肥, 青螃蟹, 食人花, 月光精靈, 獨眼蝙蝠, 小獵犬, 積木泥人, 藍色機器人, 鼬鼠鬧鐘, 進化妖魔, 葛雷族人, 葛雷士兵, 馬堤安, 長牙海豹, 短牙海豹, 骷髏犬, 木乃伊犬, 河豚, 毒河豚, 月妙, 鋼之黑肥肥, 松鼠, 豪豬, 黑豪豬, 青花蛇, 紅花蛇, 罈壺, 蔘罈壺, 小雪球, 火精靈, 小虎, 三尾狐, 虎傑, 日光精靈, 紅獨角獅, 黃獨角獅, 藍獨角獅, 功夫熊, 深山人蔘, 千年人蔘, 訓練用稻草人, 訓練用木頭人, 梅花鹿, 書靈, 石巨人, 黑曜石巨人, 黑鱷魚, 野狼, 黑色小雪球, 殭屍, 礦山殭屍, 白狼, 混種石巨人, 骷髏士兵, 小石球, 冰石球, 火石球, 巨居蟹, 殭屍猴王, 咕咕鐘, 利堤, 黑利堤, 巫婆, 小企鵝王, 沼澤巨鱷, 葛雷金剛, 肯德熊, 九尾妖狐, 喵怪仙人, 木馬士兵, 燈籠鬼, 殺人虎頭蜂, 火焰象, 獅鷲獸, 黃色炸彈球, 搗蛋小妖精, 搗蛋小妖精, 標示牌, 異型滅火器, 變身垃圾桶, 限速牌, 紅色泳圈, 不明飛天物, 藍色大貨車, 章魚怪, 幽靈漁夫
Blue Snail Shell (藍寶殼)
A shell removed from a snail
掉落怪物: 藍寶, 紅寶王
Blue Toy Block (藍色玩具積木)
A toy block that's a part of Golem
掉落怪物: 積木泥人王
Bob's Snail Shell (嫩寶的蝸牛殼)
Threatened for his life, Bob went back into his shell. You can carry him. He's not too heavy.
掉落怪物: 嫩寶
備註: 不可交易, 持有專屬
Bodyguard A's Tie Pin (領帶夾)
A pin stuck on the tie of Bodyguard A.
掉落怪物: 黑道保鑣
Bodyguard B's Bullet Shell (手鎗的彈殼)
A bullet shell of the gun that Bodyguard B used.
掉落怪物: 黑道師爺
Boogie's Cursed Whirlwind (魔精靈受詛咒的旋風)
A whirlwind made out of Boogie's cursed powers.
掉落怪物: 魔精靈
備註: 不可交易
Boomer Core (毛球炸彈)
The small core of a Boomer, still packs an explosive punch. Handle with caution!
掉落怪物: 黃色炸彈球
Boss's Pomade (老大的髮蠟)
Boss's pomade.
掉落怪物: 黑道老大
Broken Camera (故障的相機)
A totally busted camera. The lens is cracked, and the film is nowhere to be found.
掉落怪物: 鯊魚, 尖鼻鯊魚
備註: 不可交易
Broken Deer Horn (斷裂的鹿角)
A white deer horn with the bottom snapped off.
掉落怪物: 梅花鹿
Broken Flashlight (故障的手電筒)
Someone must have used this flashlight, and busted the light bulb.
掉落怪物: 鯊魚, 尖鼻鯊魚
備註: 不可交易
Broken Horn (斷裂的角)
A horn that used to adorn the head of Skelegon. It's now broken off.
掉落怪物: 化石龍
Broken Mirror Glass (鏡子碎片)
A piece of a shattered mirror.
掉落怪物: 黑肥肥
備註: 不可交易
Broken Piece of Pot (甕的碎片)
A piece that fell out of a broken pot.
掉落怪物: 罈壺
Broken Wing (斷翅)
A fallen broken wing from batoo.
掉落怪物: 不明飛天物
Bronze Arrow for Bow (青銅弓箭)
A barrel full of bronze arrows. Only usable with bows.
Attack + 1
掉落怪物: 小石球, 冰石球, 火石球, 小企鵝王, 肯德熊, 九尾妖狐, 喵怪仙人, 艾利傑, 雪毛怪人, 烏鴉, 槍武士, 椰樹怪
Bronze Arrow for Crossbow (青銅弩箭)
A barrel full of bronze arrows. Only usable with crossbows.
Attack +1
掉落怪物: 小石球, 冰石球, 火石球, 小企鵝王, 肯德熊, 九尾妖狐, 喵怪仙人, 艾利傑, 雪毛怪人, 下忍, 椰樹怪
Bronze Ore (青銅母礦)
The ore of a light and weak bronze.
掉落怪物: 嫩寶, 發芽木妖, 菇菇寶貝, 刺菇菇, 紅寶王, 海膽, 木面怪人, 樹妖王, 粉紅小海豹, 泥人領導者, 食人花, 骷髏犬, 黑鱷魚, 殭屍, 小石球, 黑利堤, 幽魂發條熊, 骷髏士官, 雪吉拉, 變形雪吉拉, 孤單雪吉拉, 橡木甲蟲, 侏儒怪, 寒冰半人馬, 幼年龍, 時間之眼, 忘卻的祭司, 忘卻的守護隊長, 烏鴉, 街頭黃水靈, 身份不明的外星人, 椰樹怪, 艾摩水靈, 維京熊
Broom (掃把)
A small broom made from bushes that Blins dropped.
掉落怪物: 變身小鬼怪
Bubble Fish's DNA Sample (泡泡魚細胞樣本)
A slide that contains the DNA sample of Bubble Fish.
掉落怪物: 泡泡魚
備註: 不可交易
Bubble Fish's Thoughts (泡泡魚之心)
A small, red jewel from the inside of Bubblefish.
掉落怪物: 泡泡魚
Bubbling's Huge Bubble (藍水靈珠)
A huge bubble removed from a Bubbling
掉落怪物: 藍水靈
Buffoon's Grandpa Clock (貝爾芬掛鐘)
An old, humongous grandfather's clock Buffoon uses as a weapon.
掉落怪物: 貝爾芬
Buffy Hat (小丑柏非帽)
A multi-colored hat from Buffy.
掉落怪物: 小丑柏非
Bullet (彈丸)
A bullet made out of steel. A set contains numerous bullets and once they are used up, they'll need to be recharged.
Attack +10
掉落怪物: 菇菇寶貝, 藍水靈, 刺菇菇, 紅寶王, 木面怪人, 變身垃圾桶, 椰樹怪
Busted Dagger (壞掉的短刀)
An old, worn dagger by Dark Cornian. Due to long periods of use, this once-sharp blade is now dull
掉落怪物: 短刃龍戰士
備註: 不可交易, 持有專屬
Butter-Toasted Squid (奶油烤章魚)
Risell Squid, buttered up and toasted.
掉落怪物: 致命烏賊怪