物品 (P)

Pain Reliever (疼痛舒緩劑)
A special pain reliever created in Omega Sector.
Weapon Def +30 for 30 min.
掉落怪物: 肯德熊, 黑道保鑣, 黑色獵犬
Panda Doll (玩具熊貓)
A small, adorable-looking panda doll. Looks so real that it may just get up and walk around any minute.
掉落怪物: 發條貓熊
Paper Fighter Plane (紙飛機)
A paper plane that can be thrown at things. Once they run out, they need to be recharged. Attack +20
掉落怪物: 騎士熊
Peach Seed (仙桃種子)
A peach seed spat out by the Peach Monkey.
掉落怪物: 蟠猴
Pelvic Bone (骨盆)
A pelvic bone from Skeleton Officer.
掉落怪物: 骷髏士官
Pepe Beak (企鵝王的嘴)
A beak cut out of Pepe. Solid and gold-colored.
掉落怪物: 企鵝王, 雪吉拉戰車
Phantom Seed (幻影種子)
A seed dropped by the possessed trees of Phantom Forest.
掉落怪物: 東部幻影樹, 西部幻影樹
Pianus's Scream (海怒斯尖叫聲)
A metal can that contains the scream of a huge creature inside the cave in the ocean.
掉落怪物: 海怒斯
備註: 不可交易
Piece of Ice (冰塊)
Water frozen through the power of magic. Doesn't melt easily.
掉落怪物: 黑吉拉, 變形黑吉拉, 孤單黑吉拉
Piece of Memory (記憶碎片)
Korin's pieces of lost memory earned through defeating the aliens.
掉落怪物: 馬堤安
備註: 不可交易
Pig's Head (肥肥頭)
Head of a pig
掉落怪物: 肥肥
Pig's Ribbon (蝴蝶結)
Taken off from the pig with a ribbon
掉落怪物: 緞帶肥肥, 奇怪的豬
Pill of Intelligence (通明丸)
A pill of powdered deer antler and wild ginseng. Increases Magic Attack by +10 for 10 minutes.
掉落怪物: 喵怪仙人
Pin Boom's DNA Sample (海膽細胞樣本)
A slide that contains the DNA sample of Pin Boom.
掉落怪物: 海膽
備註: 不可交易
Pin Hov's Charm (邪惡侏儒怪的符咒)
A rabbit-foot charm that Pin Hov kept to himself. It looks very poorly made.
掉落怪物: 邪惡侏儒怪
Pink Essence (粉紅精油)
This Pink Essence is extracted from Pac Pinky. It contains a mysterious power.
掉落怪物: 幽靈漁夫
Plane Controller (飛機操縱桿)
A controller used to navigate the toy plane.
掉落怪物: 藍色戰鬥機
Plant Fossil (植物樹葉化石)
A fossil of a leaf of a plant from thousands and thousands of years ago.
掉落怪物: 斧木妖
備註: 不可交易
Plastic Crown (塑膠王冠)
A toy crown made out of plastic.
掉落怪物: 機器章魚王
Plateon's Helmet (培利堤安的頭盔)
A helmet that Plateon wears all the times. It's slimy inside
掉落怪物: 培利堤安
Poison Poopa's Poisonous Spikes (毒河豚的毒針)
A poisoned set of spikes from Poison Poopa.
掉落怪物: 毒河豚
Poisonous Mushroom (毒菇)
A poisonous mushroom that lives on the humongous Zombie Mushroom.
掉落怪物: 殭屍蘑菇王
Poopa Egg (河豚的卵)
A small egg laid by a Poopa.
掉落怪物: 河豚
Pooper's DNA Sample (河豚細胞樣本)
A slide that contains the DNA sample of Pooper.
掉落怪物: 河豚
備註: 不可交易
Pounder (搗米棒)
A pounder that the Moon Bunny always carries around. Used to pound away the crops in the mortar.
掉落怪物: 月妙
Power Crystal Ore (力量母礦)
An ore of a crystal that possesses power.
掉落怪物: 花鯰魚, 石球, 白色發條鼠, 幼紅獨角獅, 黃色戰鬥機, 鼬鼠, 機器章魚王, 幼魔精靈, 黑食人花, 積木泥人王, 進化妖魔, 葛雷士兵, 梅卡堤安, 紅花蛇, 火精靈, 日光精靈, 紅獨角獅, 機器人堤安, 訓練用木頭人, 殭屍, 利堤, 鱷魚克洛克, 葛雷金剛, 幽魂發條熊, 雪吉拉, 變形雪吉拉, 孤單雪吉拉, 雪吉拉戰車, 大副凱丁, 狼人, 萊西, 多立百烈, 肯德熊, 哈維, 煉獄獵犬, 骨骸魚, 藍色雙角龍, 維京, 黑翼龍, 噴火龍, 格瑞芬多, 回憶的神官, 悔恨的祭司, 悔恨的守護隊長, 電擊象, 黃金武士, 身份不明的外星人, 維壯, 騎士熊
Power Elixir (超級藥水)
A legendary potion.
Recovers all HP and MP.
掉落怪物: 魔龍, 長槍牛魔王, 怨靈發條熊隊長, 巴洛古, 哈維, 血腥哈維, 暗黑半人馬, 火焰半人馬, 寒冰半人馬, 邪惡綿羊, 惡魔綿羊, 煉獄獵犬, 骨骸魚, 藍色雙角龍, 暗黑三角龍, 獨角迅猛龍, 進化迅猛龍, 巨人維京, 烏賊怪, 幽魂女巫, 致命烏賊怪, 怨靈女巫, 鯊魚, 尖鼻鯊魚, 短刃龍戰士, 雙刀龍戰士, 赤翼龍, 藍翼龍, 黑翼龍, 達納托斯, 噴火龍, 格瑞芬多, 幼年龍, 幼龍保護者, 化石龍, 化石龍長老, 幼龍保護者, 悔恨的神官, 忘卻的神官, 忘卻的守護兵, 忘卻的守護隊長, 寒霜冰龍, 多多, 利里諾斯, 萊伊卡, 黑道老大, 藍色蘑菇王, 地獄巴洛古, 堤豐寶寶, 南瓜鬼火, 長老幽靈, 守衛, 黃金武士, 搗蛋小妖精, 搗蛋小妖精, 身份不明的外星人, 身份不明的外星人, 杜庫, 娃娃獅, 騎士熊
Primal Claw (賦予能力的爪)
A symbolic weapon of mastery. Although it can't be equipped, its power is palpable.
掉落怪物: 暗影武士
Propeller (飛機螺旋槳)
A propeller that's a part of the toy plane.
掉落怪物: 黃色戰鬥機
Pumpkin Taffy (老虎藥丸)
Sweetened pumpkin taffy on a candy cane stick. [Gives +15 Weapon Defense, +15 Magic Defense for 5 minutes]
掉落怪物: 貪吃鬼
Purple Gummy Slime (紫色口香糖)
Super-chewy gummy slimes. This one is grape-flavored. If only real Slimes tasted this good. [Restores 600 MP]
掉落怪物: 牽線人偶, 貪吃鬼